July 2002 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jul 1 01:07:40 CDT 2002
Ending: Wed Jul 31 23:07:22 CDT 2002
Messages: 443
- [JDEV] JabberBeans???
Jean-Louis Seguineau /EXC/TEC
- [JDEV] JabberBeans???
Jean-Louis Seguineau /EXC/TEC
- [JDEV] <dynamic/> config tag (in search of portable C lib)
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Logging in on the same machine, same user but different resources
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Etherx
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Problem transporting SOAP over Jabber using SOAP::Lite Perl module
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Q: Conferencing features
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] installing the jabber server
Paul Alapatt
- [JDEV] Custom messages/extensions
ibernardlabs [Paul Alapatt]
- [JDEV] <dynamic/> config tag (in search of portable C lib)
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] Q: 'Multicast' to all of a user's online resources
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] Q: Conferencing features
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] libjabber 'port' and licensing
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] libjabber 'port' and licensing
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] libjabber 'port' and licensing
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] libjabber 'port' and licensing
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] Jabber HTTP Polling (web client and Exodus)
Jason Anderson
- [JDEV] Client with SSL
Jason Anderson
- [JDEV] Bring back jabberbeans
Jason Anderson
- [JDEV] Requesting a roster
Jason Anderson
- [JDEV] 100k users...
Dan Anghel
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
Jonathan Augenstine
Tony Bamonti
- [JDEV] Jsm module interacting badly with MSN-t???
Andy Beetz
- [JDEV] Jsm module interacting badly with MSN-t???
Andy Beetz
- [JDEV] Jsm module interacting badly with MSN-t???
Andy Beetz
- [JDEV] Jsm module interacting badly with MSN-t???
Andy Beetz
- [JDEV] Jsm modules
Andy Beetz
- [JDEV] Jsm modules
Andy Beetz
- [JDEV] Anyone using Jabber.Net 0.05?
Andy Beetz
- [JDEV] MSN Question
- [JDEV] xdb_sql make error.
Joe Breeden
- [JDEV] xdb_sql make error.
Joe Breeden
- [JDEV] xdb_sql make error.
Joe Breeden
- [JDEV] Adding Components to Jabber: HELP
Joe Breeden
- [JDEV] Question: packet routing
Joe Breeden
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] image help
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] image help
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] IM News article
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] IM News article
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] Dreamhost goes live
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] Dreamhost goes live
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] Where can I find jabberbeans sources and docs?
Dalton Caldwell
- [JDEV] Re: Yahoo-t
Frank Cernese
- [JDEV] communications with server without logging in
Richard Clippard
- [JDEV] MSN Question
Ian Clough
- [JDEV] coccinella problems
Abe Cofnas/Learn4x
- [JDEV] Call for Experience: jabber:iq:rpc
Abe Cofnas/Learn4x
- [JDEV] Accented Characters Lost
Paul Curtis
- [JDEV] yahoo-t
Paul Curtis
- [JDEV] Initial Release of JET (Jabber External Transport)
Paul Curtis
- [JDEV] client timeouts
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
- [JDEV] Etherx
- [JDEV] Etherx
- [JDEV] Userlist, personal info & history standards
- [JDEV] ICQ Transport
- [JDEV] Per SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
- [JDEV] Per SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
- [JDEV] infection[sorry]
- [JDEV] Namespaces
- [JDEV] Antigen found VIRUS= HTML.MimeExploit (CA(Vet)) virus (fwd)
- [JDEV] ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OB13_1026339063_LEVIATHAN_1 wa (fwd)
- [JDEV] message ack jsm
- [JDEV] Per SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
- [JDEV] xdb_sql make error.
- [JDEV] MSN Question
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
- [JDEV] libjabber 'port' and licensing
- [JDEV] libjabber 'port' and licensing
- [JDEV] libjabber 'port' and licensing
- [JDEV] Auto subscribe
Chris Davies
- [JDEV] iqstats draft
Russell Davis
- [JDEV] iqstats draft
Russell Davis
- [JDEV] xdb_sql with Jabber transports
Benoit Decaudin
- [JDEV] Compiling jadc2s
Benoit Decaudin
- [JDEV] Jabber development with Kylix
Mark Derricutt
- [JDEV] Jabber development with Kylix
Mark Derricutt
- [JDEV] JabberBeans???
Mark Derricutt
- [JDEV] JabberBeans???
Mark Derricutt
- [JDEV] Custom messages/extensions
Mark Derricutt
- [JDEV] Custom messages/extensions
Mark Derricutt
- [JDEV] Per SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Per SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
Richard Dobson
Richard Dobson
Richard Dobson
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] To get only online users of my list
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Presence subscription
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Offline messages
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] 302 Redirect
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] 302 Redirect
Richard Dobson
- General Redirect, was RE: [JDEV] 302 Redirect
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Custom messages/extensions
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Custom messages/extensions
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Problem transporting SOAP over Jabber using SOAP::Lite Perl module
Keith Downs
- [JDEV] 2002 Election Nominations
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Server Farming
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] 100k users...
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] 100k users...
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] 100k users...
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Candidate Position Papers - 2002
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] iqstats draft
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Council Elections 2002: Debate
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Working with Active Directory (reply urgently)
Bernd Eckenfels
- [JDEV] yahoo-t
Sean M. Egan
- [JDEV] Re: Yahoo-t
Sean M. Egan
- [JDEV] client timeouts
- [JDEV] Multiple Servers, Single Domain
Petr Ferschmann
- [JDEV] Server Farming
Petr Ferschmann
- [JDEV] Logging in on the same machine, same user but different resources
Patrick Fitzgerald
- [JDEV] Logging in on the same machine, same user but different resources
Patrick Fitzgerald
- [JDEV] Logging in on the same machine, same user but different resources
Patrick Fitzgerald
- [JDEV] Logging in on the same machine, same user but different resources
Patrick Fitzgerald
- [JDEV] Jabber development with Kylix
Patrick Fitzgerald
- [JDEV] [JAVA] look for a servlet-applet solution
- [JDEV] jadc2s on solaris 8
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] jadc2s on solaris 8
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] jadc2s on solaris 8
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] Compiling jadc2s
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] http proxy support
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] Where can I find jabberbeans sources and docs?
David Griffiths
- [JDEV] Hope This Isn't Off Topic - Extending The Jabber Protocol/Messages
David Griffiths
- [JDEV] JabberBeans???
David Griffiths
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
Sami Haahtinen
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
Sami Haahtinen
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
Sami Haahtinen
- [JDEV] 2 Questions: Yahoo transport & cygwin
Jonathan Halpert
- [JDEV] test
Bruce Heller
- [JDEV] Re: [standards-jig] Call for Experience: jabber:x:data
Joe Hildebrand
- [JDEV] Re: Bug in AIM transport ?
Tomas Holenda
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Tijl Houtbeckers
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Tijl Houtbeckers
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Tijl Houtbeckers
- [JDEV] IM News article
Tijl Houtbeckers
- [JDEV] IM News article
Tijl Houtbeckers
- [JDEV] stress testing cygwin - more info
Duncan Hoyle
- [JDEV] RE: [Foundation] 2002 Election Nominations
David Iodice
- [JDEV] <dynamic/> config tag (in search of portable C lib)
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
- [JDEV] libjabber 'port' and licensing
- [JDEV] Web servicies with jabber
- [JDEV] Namespaces vs. Attributes
Ari Johnson
- [JDEV] Namespaces vs. Attributes
Ari Johnson
- [JDEV] Namespaces vs. Attributes
Ari Johnson
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
Justin Karneges
Justin Karneges
Justin Karneges
- [JDEV] Automatically creating users + roster entries..?
Steve Kemp
- [JDEV] Automatically creating users + roster entries..?
Steve Kemp
- [JDEV] Accept Components: HELP
Judd Kenneth
- [JDEV] Etherx
Justin Kirby
- [JDEV] Etherx
Justin Kirby
- [JDEV] client timeouts
Sean Kirkby
- [JDEV] client timeouts
Sean Kirkby
- [JDEV] Etherx
Sean Kirkby
- [JDEV] Etherx
Sean Kirkby
- [JDEV] Etherx
Sean Kirkby
- [JDEV] Etherx
Sean Kirkby
- [JDEV] Namespaces
- [JDEV] Namespaces
- [JDEV] Namespaces
- [JDEV] Namespaces
- [JDEV] Namespaces
- [JDEV] Namespaces vs. Attributes
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
- [JDEV] PHP-HTML based Jabber client
- [JDEV] rbjab hosting
- [JDEV] rbjab hosting
- [JDEV] transports on other servers
- [JDEV] transports on other servers
- [JDEV] transports on other servers
- [JDEV] To get only online users of my list
Bharath Kumar
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Mark Kunzmann
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Mark Kunzmann
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Mark Kunzmann
- [JDEV] Get paid to work on open source server
Stephen Lee
- [JDEV] Userlist, personal info & history standards
Eyal Lior
- [JDEV] Multiple Servers, Single Domain
Ian Littlewood
- [JDEV] Multiple Servers, Single Domain
Ian Littlewood
- [JDEV] Server Farming
Ian Littlewood
- [JDEV] Question: packet routing
Ian Littlewood
- [JDEV] Use Jabbar to Broadcast only
Michael A. Locurcio
- [JDEV] 1.4.2CVS select problem
Glenn MacGregor
- [JDEV] 1.4.2CVS select problem
Glenn MacGregor
- [JDEV] Potential Open Source Sponsorship
Aaron McBride
- [JDEV] Potential Open Source Sponsorship
Aaron McBride
- [JDEV] Potential Open Source Sponsorship
Aaron McBride
- [JDEV] Re: jabrss BETA testers wanted
Christof Meerwald
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Ralph Meijer
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Ralph Meijer
- [JDEV] installing the jabber server
Rajesh Menon
- [JDEV] installing the jabber server
Rajesh Menon
- [JDEV] Jabber development with Kylix
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Logging in on the same machine, same user but different resources
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] sending CC & BCC msg
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Jabber development with Kylix
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] reading image files thru jabber
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Council Position Paper: Peter Millard
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] rbjab hosting
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Custom messages/extensions
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Custom messages/extensions
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] id attr in message packets
Matthew A. Miller
Matthew A. Miller
Matthew A. Miller
- [standards-jig] Re: [JDEV] DSPS
Matthew A. Miller
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] 100k users...
Julian Missig
Julian Missig
Julian Missig
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] JEP-8 User Avatars in Jabber
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Hip-hip-hoorah
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] 1.4.2CVS select problem
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] 1.4.2CVS select problem
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] jadc2s on solaris 8
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Jsm module interacting badly with MSN-t???
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Conference component is silent
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] jabberoo example/tutorial
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Jsm modules
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Conference component is silent
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] yahoo-t
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] GroupChat
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Please Help !! (Some Error occur while configure SSL for Jabber Server)
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] installing the jabber server
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Which to pick, "HTTP proxy passthrough" or JEP-0025?
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] Which to pick, "HTTP proxy passthrough" or JEP-0025?
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] Which to pick, "HTTP proxy passthrough" or JEP-0025?
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] Which to pick, "HTTP proxy passthrough" or JEP-0025?
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] CVS files inconsistency Prefs.dfm 1.45 and Prefs.pas 1.44
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] XMLHttpStream.pas forgets to call UTF8Decode
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] Room LogMessage patch
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] Ant build.xml for JabberPollingServlet.java
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] http proxy support
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] id attr in message packets
Constantin Nickonov
- [JDEV] Janchor: Headline Service
Jeremy Nickurak
- [JDEV] id attr in message packets
Jeremy Nickurak
- [JDEV] Looking for jabber.el
Fabien Niñoles
- [JDEV] Etherx
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] Compiling jadc2s
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
Vincent Ong
- [JDEV] User account get automatically deleted by Jabber Server
Vincent Ong
- [JDEV] (no subject)
Ryan Pack
- [JDEV] Client with SSL
Ryan Pack
- [JDEV] GroupChat
- [JDEV] Jabber SSL docs
Stephen Pendleton
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] Jabber development with Kylix
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] yahoo-t
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] Per SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] Per SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] Problem transporting SOAP over Jabber using SOAP::Lite Perl module
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] User account get automatically deleted by Jabber Server
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] Automatically creating users + roster entries..?
Chris Pile
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
Chris Pile
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
Jonathan Pobst
- [JDEV] Please Help !! (Some Error occur while configure SSL for Jabber Server)
Pairoj Poomkhajorn
- [JDEV] Web servicies with jabber
- [JDEV] Auto subscribe
Satish Reddy
- [JDEV] Auto subscribe
Satish Reddy
- [JDEV] 1.4.2CVS _mio_main race and patch
Tom Riddle
- [JDEV] JabberBeans???
Sylvain Roberdeau
- [JDEV] Where can I find jabberbeans sources and docs?
Javier Rodriguez
- [JDEV] JabberBeans???
Javier Rodriguez
- [JDEV] jabberoo example/tutorial
Michael Rothwell
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
Alexandre N. Safiullin
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
Alexandre N. Safiullin
- [JDEV] Namespaces
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] image help
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Re: [Foundation] 2002 Election Nominations
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] digest settings for this list
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Call for Experience: jabber:x:data
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Call for Experience: jabber:iq:rpc
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] id attr in message packets
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] 100k users...
Ben Schumacher
Ben Schumacher
Ben Schumacher
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Where can I find jabberbeans sources and docs?
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] [standards-jig] JEP-0037 (fwd)
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
Jim Seymour
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
Jim Seymour
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
Jim Seymour
- [JDEV] DOS is mod_filter (was Bug in mod_filter.c)
Nathan Sharp
- General Redirect, was RE: [JDEV] 302 Redirect
Iain Shigeoka
- [JDEV] Autoupdate
Ralph Siemsen
- [JDEV] Please disregard..
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] Hip-hip-hoorah
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] Hip-hip-hoorah
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] Presence indicator for web page
David Sutton
- [JDEV] GroupChat
- [JDEV] GroupChat
- [JDEV] Core Tool Protocols (Disco, PubSub, Auth...)
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] JabberBeans???
Victor Yoalli Dominguez Torres
- [JDEV] Jabber SSL docs
Dr. Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] Jabber Palm
Dr. Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] client timeouts
David Waite
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
David Waite
- [JDEV] Namespaces
David Waite
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
David Waite
- [JDEV] Namespaces vs. Attributes
David Waite
- [JDEV] Probelms with presence
David Waite
- [JDEV] JEP-8 User Avatars in Jabber
David Waite
- [JDEV] Where can I find jabberbeans sources and docs?
David Waite
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
David Waite
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
David Waite
- [JDEV] JabberBeans???
David Waite
- [JDEV] message ack jsm
Tom Waters
- [JDEV] id attr in message packets
Sean Wheeler
- [JDEV] id attr in message packets
Sean Wheeler
- [JDEV] id attr in message packets
Sean Wheeler
- [JDEV] Which to pick, "HTTP proxy passthrough" or JEP-0025?
James Widman
- [JDEV] Subscription to presence
Emma Willis
- [JDEV] Requesting a roster
Emma Willis
- [JDEV] client timeouts
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] client timeouts
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Keep-Alives
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Invisibility and transports
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Namespaces vs. Attributes
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Jabber HTTP Polling (web client and Exodus)
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Q: 'Multicast' to all of a user's online resources
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Help on Firewall
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Subscription to presence
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Presence subscription
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Offline messages
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Presence subscription
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Which to pick, "HTTP proxy passthrough" or JEP-0025?
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Which to pick, "HTTP proxy passthrough" or JEP-0025?
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Hip-hip-hoorah
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Accept Components: HELP
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Accept Components: HELP
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] transports on other servers
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Requesting a roster
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] id attr in message packets
Wing, Oliver
- [JDEV] Anyone using Jabber.Net 0.05?
Wing, Oliver
- [JDEV] image help
Wing, Oliver
- [JDEV] libjabber 'port' and licensing
Wing, Oliver
- [JDEV] JEP-8 User Avatars in Jabber
Klaus H. Wolf
- [JDEV] JEP-8 User Avatars in Jabber
Klaus H. Wolf
- [JDEV] JEP-8 User Avatars in Jabber
Klaus H. Wolf
- [JDEV] 302 Redirect
Klaus H. Wolf
- [JDEV] 302 Redirect
Klaus H. Wolf
- General Redirect, was RE: [JDEV] 302 Redirect
Klaus H. Wolf
- General Redirect, was RE: [JDEV] 302 Redirect
Klaus H. Wolf
- [JDEV] Re: JabberBeans???
Kimberly Woods
- [JDEV] Etherx
Matt Woodyard
- [JDEV] Etherx
Matt Woodyard
- [JDEV] PHP-HTML based Jabber client
- [JDEV] dnsrv issue
- [JDEV] multiple ip issue
- [JDEV] Fw: dnsrv issue
- [JDEV] dnsrv issue
- [JDEV] multiple ip issue
- [JDEV] Jabber SSL docs
- [JDEV] Adding Components to Jabber: HELP
k av
- [JDEV] Accept Components: HELP
k av
- [JDEV] Conference component is silent
sarkar at boo.net
- [JDEV] Conference component is silent
sarkar at boo.net
- [JDEV] Conference component is silent
sarkar at boo.net
- [JDEV] SendMessage including CC & BCC
amarjeetkaur at credenceanalytics.com
- [JDEV] sending CC & BCC msg
amarjeetkaur at credenceanalytics.com
- [JDEV] sending CC & BCC msg
amarjeetkaur at credenceanalytics.com
- [JDEV] reading image files thru jabber
amarjeetkaur at credenceanalytics.com
- [JDEV] Static shared groups that show presence
vtjabber at dennis.veritime.com
- [JDEV] Static shared groups that show presence
vtjabber at dennis.veritime.com
- [JDEV] installing the jabber server
- [JDEV] Potential Open Source Sponsorship
- [JDEV] Potential Open Source Sponsorship
- [JDEV] coccinella problems
- [JDEV] Dreamhost goes live
- [JDEV] xdb_sql 1.2
borihuela at idealx.com
- [JDEV] xdb_sql with Jabber transports
borihuela at idealx.com
- [JDEV] 100k users...
amarjeetkaur%credenceanalytics.com at intreasury.com
- [JDEV] 100k users...
amarjeetkaur%credenceanalytics.com at intreasury.com
- [JDEV] 100k users...
amarjeetkaur%credenceanalytics.com at intreasury.com
- [JDEV] Per SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
- [JDEV] Re: Bug in AIM transport ?
admin at jabber.fsinf.de
- [JDEV] ICQ Transport
- [JDEV] 100k users...
anghel at medialogic.it
- [JDEV] 100k users...
anghel at medialogic.it
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
- [JDEV] request for ideas: RFC822 to JID mapping
- [JDEV] Custom messages/extensions
- [JDEV] Probelms with presence
emma.willis at ntlworld.com
- [JDEV] Presence subscription
emma.willis at ntlworld.com
- [JDEV] Offline messages
emma.willis at ntlworld.com
- [JDEV] Presence subscription
emma.willis at ntlworld.com
- [JDEV] Requesting a roster
emma.willis at ntlworld.com
- [JDEV] Working with Active Directory (reply urgently)
Shriram pore
- [JDEV] Bring back jabberbeans
daltonc at stanford.edu
- [JDEV] Bug in mod_filter.c ?
- [JDEV] Bug in AIM transport ?
- [JDEV] Per SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
sean wilson
- [JDEV] infection[sorry]
sean wilson
Last message date:
Wed Jul 31 23:07:22 CDT 2002
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 09:40:06 CST 2009
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