February 2001 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Feb 1 02:10:46 CST 2001
Ending: Wed Feb 28 10:31:20 CST 2001
Messages: 454
- [JDEV] Source Code of JabberIM
Thomas Parslow (PatRat)
- [JDEV] Registing ICQ on client
Lance (pyzr)
- [JDEV] Online status on a webpage
Lance (pyzr)
- [JDEV] JabberCOM Question.
dai_jin at 21cn.com
- [JDEV] (HELP!) How to get a JabberSession pointer from JabberCOM
dai_jin at 21cn.com
- [JDEV] (HELP!) How to get a JabberSession pointer from JabberCOM
dai_jin at 21cn.com
- [JDEV] (HELP!) How to get a JabberSession pointer from JabberCOM
dai_jin at 21cn.com
- [JDEV] Group Chat roundup
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] timed out from group chat.
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Registing ICQ on client
- [JDEV] jabber at a website
Luis Claudio Oliveira Almeida
- [JDEV] jabber at a website 2
Luis Claudio Oliveira Almeida
- [JDEV] IRC transport
Kevin Amorin
- [JDEV] Jud
Kevin Amorin
- [JDEV] Jud
Kevin Amorin
- [JDEV] Solaris 8
Kevin Amorin
- [JDEV] XML tag
Kevin Amorin
- [JDEV] IM echo with AIM transport
Kevin Amorin
- [JDEV] ICQ transport trouble
- [JDEV] (no subject)
Bill Ataras
- [JDEV] RSS support
Alex Barnell
- [JDEV] how to run the server?
David Barth
- [JDEV] Auto Account Creation
Michael Bauer
- [JDEV] [patch mtq.c]
Rodolphe Duge de Bernonville
- [JDEV] [patch users.c]
Rodolphe Duge de Bernonville
- [JDEV] [patch mod_presence.c]
Rodolphe Duge de Bernonville
- [JDEV] [patch client.c]
Rodolphe Duge de Bernonville
- [JDEV] [patch config.c]
Rodolphe Duge de Bernonville
- [JDEV] Jabber SMS transport
Rodolphe Duge de Bernonville
- [JDEV] Jabber SMS transport
Rodolphe Duge de Bernonville
- [JDEV] Jabber SMS transport
Rodolphe Duge de Bernonville
- [JDEV] timed out from group chat.
Igor Borisovsky
- [JDEV] ICQ transport problem
Maciek Borowka
- [JDEV] should we split this email list?
Todd Bradley
- [JDEV] should we split this email list?
Todd Bradley
- [JDEV] should we split this email list?
Todd Bradley
- [JDEV] announcing support.jabber.com
Todd Bradley
- [JDEV] Clarification of mailing list scope
Todd Bradley
- [JDEV] cons of jabber technology
Todd Bradley
- [JDEV] cons of jabber technology
Todd Bradley
- [JDEV] creating a private chat room?
Todd Bradley
- [JDEV] Auto Account Creation
Todd Bradley
- [JDEV] Peer to peer Jabber streams
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] should we split this email list? - Yup!
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] Jabber project
Grace Buechlein
- [JDEV] AIM transport forgetting buddies?
Chris Butler
- [JDEV] 1.4 server on FreeBSD
John P. Campbell
- [JDEV] 1.4 server on FreeBSD
John P. Campbell
- [JDEV] Jabber Message Expiration: "jabber:x:expire"
Dixon Canario
- [JDEV] Help!! AIM error on Red Hat 7.0? can anyone help me?
Dixon Canario
- [JDEV] Re to SARADHI: Jabber server on a windows environment
Fabio Carpenedo
- [JDEV] ICQ Transport
Carlos del Castillo
- [JDEV] ICQ Transport
Carlos del Castillo
- [JDEV] ICQ Transport
Carlos del Castillo
- [JDEV] kerberos authentication for jabber
Donn Cave
- [JDEV] how do I get my AIM screen name from the AIM transport?
Jay Chalfant
- [JDEV] possible defect in RosterList behavior
Jay Chalfant
- [JDEV] possible defect in RosterList behavior
Jay Chalfant
- [JDEV] does aim transport support privacy?
Jay Chalfant
- [JDEV] Invisible mode
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] LDAP backend
Mark Cheverton
- [JDEV] 1.4 HOWTO
Nicholas Clark
- [JDEV] RE: AIX compilation of jabber server.
David Clissold
- [JDEV] RE: AIX compilation of jabber server.
David Clissold
- [JDEV] RE: AIX compilation of jabber server.
David Clissold
- [JDEV] server/transport hostname pb
Thibaut Colar
- [JDEV] jabber : transport : hostname pb.
Thibaut Colar
- [JDEV] jabber : transport : hostname pb.
Thibaut Colar
- [JDEV] jabber.org Broken DNS?
Thibaut Colar
- [JDEV] should we split this email list?
- [JDEV] DNS Problems
Dan Cunningham
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - 1.4 Release Candidate available
Jabber DevZone
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - jer - Jabber Server 1.4 Released
Jabber DevZone
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - jer - Maximizing Simultaneous TCP Sockets
Jabber DevZone
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - jer - Win32 Server Port?
Jabber DevZone
- [JDEV] AIX compilation of jabber server.
Matt Diez
- [JDEV] RE: AIX compilation of jabber server.
Matt Diez
- [JDEV] Call for Build Tests
Matt Diez
- [JDEV] Jabber and IMUnified.org
Drash, Jim [EESUS]
- [JDEV] Flash 5 & Jabber question redux
Drash, Jim [EESUS]
- [JDEV] Port 5222
Duncan, Paul
- [JDEV] Jud
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] current bots?
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Jabber Message Expiration: "jabber:x:expire"
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] just uploaded new jabber-1.4 DEBs
Bernd Eckenfels
- [JDEV] I need help
- [JDEV] Server problems 1.2 & 1.4
Tim Ferguson
- [JDEV] question about accessing greymatter and xmlnode_free
Tim Ferguson
- [JDEV] question about accessing greymatter and xmlnode_free
Tim Ferguson
- [JDEV] Problems running 1.2 on Tru64
Tim Ferguson
- [JDEV] New Transport Architecture - Idea
Petr Ferschmann
- [JDEV] Clarification of mailing list scope
Julian Fitzell
- [JDEV] quote problems in groupchat
Julian Fitzell
- [JDEV] how to run the server?
Ayite Gaba
- [JDEV] Parent PID changed, exiting...
Ayite Gaba
- [JDEV] Parent PID changed, exiting...
Ayite Gaba
- [JDEV] Parent PID changed, exiting...
Ayite Gaba
- [JDEV] Additional Services Installation
Ayite Gaba
- [JDEV] No such file and bouncing packet
Ayite Gaba
- [JDEV] Additional Services Installation
Ayite Gaba
- [JDEV] jabberd dying...
Ayite Gaba
- [JDEV] Yahoo transport URL
Ayite Gaba
- [JDEV] How to compile Yahoo transport
Ayite Gaba
- [JDEV] Runtime errors with Jabber 1.2/1.4RC on FreeBSD x86
Robert Gash
- [JDEV] Need help with 1.2 server
Gaspar, Al
- [JDEV] Re: Need help with 1.2 Server
Gaspar, Al
- [JDEV] Server problems 1.2 & 1.4
Gaspar, Al
- [JDEV] Re: Server problems 1.2 & 1.4
Gaspar, Al
- [JDEV] 1.4RC on Intel vs. Alpha
Gaspar, Al
- [JDEV] Group Chat roundup
Gaspar, Al
- [JDEV] 1.4 on Alpha Linux?
Gaspar, Al
- [JDEV] question regarding jabber:x:conference
Oliver George
- [JDEV] question regarding jabber:x:conference
Oliver George
- [JDEV] anonymous transport - controlled access for webbased clients
Oliver George
- [JDEV] Help me pls
Mohammad K. Ghanbari
- [JDEV] how to run the server?
Mohammad K. Ghanbari
- [JDEV] (no subject)
Sukhdev Gidwani
- [JDEV] msn transport
Sukhdev Gidwani
- [JDEV] MSN Transport, configuration not found
Sukhdev Gidwani
- [JDEV] MSN Transport
Sukhdev Gidwani
- [JDEV] (no subject)
- [JDEV] (no subject)
- [JDEV] Password Encryption when we register a new user
- [JDEV] removing roster items
- [JDEV] example-transport upgraded?
Mark Hahn
- [JDEV] Online status on a webpage
Lance Hall
- FW: [JDEV] Online status on a webpage
Lance Hall
- [JDEV] Think I found a new bug in the ICQ transport
Schuyler Heath
- [JDEV] 3 lists? Maybe not yet
John Hebert
- [JDEV] Please Help!!
John Hebert
- [JDEV] Jabber Solaris Version
John Hebert
- [JDEV] RE: showing as logged off in AOL IM?
John Hebert
- [JDEV] jabber user limits
John Hebert
- [JDEV] RSS support
John Hebert
- [JDEV] Call for Build Tests
Benjamin Heitmann
- [JDEV] C API plus connecting to jabber
Andy Hird
- [JDEV] Performance of jabber and IQ messages
Andy Hird
- [JDEV] Jabber Client for PalmOS
Max Horn
- [JDEV] Upcoming Oreilly OS Conference
- [JDEV] Developmen of simple jabber client with VC++ and jabberCO M
Chai Jia Jih
- [JDEV] Firewall and jabberbeans
Chai Jia Jih
- [JDEV] JabberCOM Question.
Dai Jin
- [JDEV] jabberd dying...
Aaron Johnson
- [JDEV] jabberd dying...
Aaron Johnson
- [JDEV] a concept for secure, reliable, file transfer
Mathew A Johnston
- [JDEV] jabberd dying...
Craig Jones
- [JDEV] jabberd and authorisation.
Josef Karthauser
- [JDEV] msn transport
Kim, Yoong-Young
- [JDEV] ICQ transport problem
Kim, Yoong-Young
- [JDEV] (no subject)
Vimal Krishnan
- [JDEV] open CVS repository for Jabber server
Vimal Krishnan
- [JDEV] Jabber port configuration
Vimal Krishnan
- [JDEV] how to run the server?
Vimal Krishnan
- [JDEV] Parent PID changed, exiting...
Vimal Krishnan
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - 1.4 Release Candidate available
Brian Lalor
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - 1.4 Release Candidate available
Brian Lalor
- [JDEV] ICQ Contact -> Jabber roster script
Jonathan Lange
- [JDEV] ICQ Transport
Zivago 'Jaeman' Lee
- [JDEV] ICQ Transport
Zivago 'Jaeman' Lee
- [JDEV] Messages when out of computer
Michal Leinweber
- [JDEV] Messages when out of computer
Michal Leinweber
- [JDEV] Messages when out of computer
Michal Leinweber
- [JDEV] ICQ transport problem
Michal Leinweber
- [JDEV] ICQ transport problem
Michal Leinweber
- [JDEV] Online status on a webpage
Kok Leong
- [JDEV] Online status on a webpage
Kok Leong
- [JDEV] how to run the server?
Weizhu Liang
- [JDEV] anyone got the icq/aim stuff to register and load the buddylist?
Weizhu Liang
- [JDEV] Internal Timeout Error
Kevin Limperos
- [JDEV] IM echo with AIM transport
Kevin Limperos
- [JDEV] IM echo with AIM transport
Kevin Limperos
- [JDEV] (HELP!) How to get a JabberSession pointer from JabberCOM
Michael F Lin
- [JDEV] (HELP!) How to get a JabberSession pointer from JabberCOM
Michael F Lin
- [JDEV] (HELP!) How to get a JabberSession pointer from JabberCOM
Michael F Lin
- [JDEV] Parent PID changed, exiting...
Tim Litwiller
- [JDEV] rpm contributer Jerome Tournier
Tim Litwiller
- [JDEV] Bug in base_accpet?
Gang Liu
- [JDEV] Bug in base_accpet?
Gang Liu
- [JDEV] Bug in base_accpet?
Gang Liu
- [JDEV] Strange behavior of jabber1.x on linux-alpha machine ...
- [JDEV] ICQ - Waiting for Instructions ....
- [JDEV] 1.4 on Alpha Linux?
- [JDEV] Status of Jabber-python-module jpy
- [JDEV] Need help with 1.2 server
Glenn MacGregor
- [JDEV] setting up the bar.org
Glenn MacGregor
- [JDEV] Jabberoo
Glenn MacGregor
- [JDEV] Secure instant messaging.
Michael F. March
- [JDEV] LDAP backend
Celso Martinho
- [JDEV] announcing support.jabber.com
Patrick McCarron
- [JDEV] Secure instant messaging.
Tim McCune
- [JDEV] Secure instant messaging.
Tim McCune
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - 1.4 Release Candidate available
Jonathan McDowell
- [JDEV] 1.4RC Server Config File
Sean McGlynn
- [JDEV] Probing for pressence bug ?
Marc Meermans
- [JDEV] Sending administrative messages and administrative accounts
Marc Meermans
- [JDEV] cons of jabber technology
Marc Meermans
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - 1.4 Release Candidate available
Ralph Meijer
- [JDEV] Jabberoo
- [JDEV] Secure instant messaging.
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Solaris 8
Mills, Shawn
- [JDEV] Out-of-band transfer
Mills, Shawn
- [JDEV] IRC transport
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] question regarding jabber:x:conference
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] How to get Yahoo-t working with jabber1.4 final?
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Participate in developping Jabber
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] jabber.org Broken DNS?
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Parent PID changed, exiting...
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Internal Timeout Error
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Parent PID changed, exiting...
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Parent PID bug patch
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] possible defect in RosterList behavior
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] How to compile Yahoo transport
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Bug in base_accpet?
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Private Conference Room
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] example-transport upgraded?
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Secure instant messaging.
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Additional Services Installation
Steffen Muehlnickel
- [JDEV] CVS Build Updates
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Call For Binary Contributions and Package Maintainers
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] question about accessing greymatter and xmlnode_free
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] RE: AIX compilation of jabber server.
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] should we split this email list?
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] New Mailing List
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] 1.4 build problem
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Site updates re lists
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] One week of running jabberd 1.4
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] RE: [jadmin] install jabber server behind firewall
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] jabberd error
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] AIM transport forgetting buddies?
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Parent PID changed, exiting...
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Re:One week of running jabberd 1.4
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] IM echo with AIM transport
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] cons of jabber technology
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] does aim transport support privacy?
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Re: Call for builds for jabber-1.4 final
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] jdev -- confirmation of subscription -- request 69
Jakob Nanneson
- [JDEV] Software plan
Jakob Nanneson
- [JDEV] jabber 1.4 crashes on NetBSD
User Noud
- [JDEV] jabberd 1.4 dumping core on receipt of SIGTERM
Phillip Oleson
- [JDEV] jabberd 1.4 dumping core on receipt of SIGTERM
Phillip Oleson
- [JDEV] initial patches for dealing with SIGHUP better.
Phillip Oleson
- [JDEV] initial patches for dealing with SIGHUP better.
Phillip Oleson
- [JDEV] LDAP backend
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] WinJabber Update
Justin Van Patten
- [JDEV] Erh, MSN transport
Lars Petersen
- [JDEV] ICQ transport dies when registering
Lars Petersen
- [JDEV] MSN transport config?
Lars Petersen
- [JDEV] ICQ & MSN again
Lars Petersen
- [JDEV] I was wondering
Lars Petersen
- [JDEV] ICQ transport problem
Lars Petersen
- [JDEV] JabberCOM in C#
Nathan Phelps
- [JDEV] Service unavailable
Ben Piercey
- [JDEV] address resolution question
Ben Piercey
- [JDEV] Invisible mode
Ben Piercey
- [JDEV] New XDB requests (namespaces) in 1.4 server
Ben Piercey
- [JDEV] New XDB requests (namespaces) in 1.4 server
Lubos Pochman
- [JDEV] max users in a single server
- [JDEV] How to get Yahoo-t working with jabber1.4 final?
Jim Ray
- [JDEV] I was wondering
Jim Ray
- [JDEV] should we split this email list?
MJ Ray
- [JDEV] should we split this email list?
MJ Ray
- [JDEV] Clarification of mailing list scope
MJ Ray
- [JDEV] s2s configuratoin
Reginald Reed
- [JDEV] New Transport Architecture - Idea
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] should we split this email list?
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] Jabber Message Expiration: "jabber:x:expire"
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] 1.4final announcement
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] 1.4final announcement
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] Site updates re lists
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] how to run the server?
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] how to run the server?
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] jabber : transport : hostname pb.
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] jabber : transport : hostname pb.
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] JabberCOM Question.
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] Backgrounding
Jared Rhine
- [JDEV] cons of jabber technology
- [JDEV] Service unavailable
Ted Rolle
- [JDEV] Secure instant messaging.
Ted Rolle
- [JDEV] Secure instant messaging.
Ted Rolle
- [JDEV] Secure instant messaging.
Ted Rolle
- [JDEV] Starting a group chat.
Ted Rolle
- [JDEV] Starting a group chat.
Ted Rolle
- [JDEV] should we split this email list?
Ted Rolle
- [JDEV] Web Client
Ted Rolle
- [JDEV] cons of jabber technology
Ted Rolle
- [JDEV] cons of jabber technology
Ted Rolle
- [JDEV] (no subject)
John Ronan
- [JDEV] Invisible mode
Oliver Rose
- [JDEV] user authentication
Jean le Roux
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - 1.4 Release Candidate available
Matt Ryanczak
- [JDEV] P2P + "lite" server
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] requesting your help regarding group chat.
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] New Transport Architecture - Idea
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] 1.4RC Server Config File
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] open CVS repository for Jabber server
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Dumb Proxy Question
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Jabber Message Expiration: "jabber:x:expire"
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] ICQ Transport
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] 1.4final announcement
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Jabber Message Expiration: "jabber:x:expire"
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] ICQ Transport
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Group Chat roundup
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] RE: showing as logged off in AOL IM?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] ICQ Transport
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] 1.4 HOWTO
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] chat room question
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - jer - Jabber Server 1.4 Released
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Site updates re lists
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] 1.4 on Alpha Linux?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Clarification of mailing list scope
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] How to get Yahoo-t working with jabber1.4 final?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] jabber : transport : hostname pb.
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Messages when out of computer
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Messages when out of computer
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] MSN transport - retrieving the contat list
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] MSN transport - retrieving the contat list
Peter Saint-Andre
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] 1.4 BUG REPORT: group truncate
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Registration question
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] jabberd dying...
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Yahoo transport URL
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] RSS-Transport
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Regarding The Source Code of the Development Server
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] I need help
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Upcoming Oreilly OS Conference
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Source Code of JabberIM
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] New Transport Architecture - Idea
Sunir Shah
- [JDEV] New Transport Architecture - Idea
Sunir Shah
- [JDEV] Unable to listen on ports 5222 and 5269
Sheridan, Dann
- [JDEV] jabber on cygwin
Toohey Shroff
- [JDEV] Call for Build Tests
Jonathan Siegle
- [JDEV] Re: Call for builds for jabber-1.4 final
Jonathan Siegle
- [JDEV] kerberos authentication for jabber
Jonathan Siegle
- [JDEV] kerberos authentication for jabber
Jonathan Siegle
- [JDEV] setting up the bar.org
Jai Singh
- [JDEV] setting up the bar.org
Jai Singh
- [JDEV] Secure instant messaging.
Jai Singh
- [JDEV] groupchat configuration erro
Jai Singh
- [JDEV] groupchat configuration erro
Jai Singh
- [JDEV] (no subject)
Jai Singh
Jai Singh
- [JDEV] Private Conference Room
Cristiano José Sulzbach
- [JDEV] jabberd 1.4 dumping core on receipt of SIGTERM
- [JDEV] Invisible mode
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] creating a private chat room?
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] cons of jabber technology
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] creating a private chat room?
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] possible defect in RosterList behavior
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] Out-of-band transfer
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] 1.4 BUG REPORT: 'ask' attribute missing in roster item
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] 1.4 BUG REPORT: group truncate
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] removing roster items
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] RSS-Transport
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] Online status on a webpage
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] Online status on a webpage
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] JabberCOM in C#
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] Dumb Proxy Question
James Tinkess
- [JDEV] (no subject)
- [JDEV] unsuscribe
Jesus Marquina Ulloa
- [JDEV] RE: [jadmin] install jabber server behind firewall
Frank Vernon
- [JDEV] How to make adnshost resolving my aimtrans.canasta.com
David Waite
- [JDEV] groupchat configuration erro
David Waite
- [JDEV] 1.4 build problem
David Waite
- [JDEV] Probing for pressence bug ?
David Waite
- [JDEV] Parent PID changed, exiting...
David Waite
- [JDEV] IM echo with AIM transport
David Waite
- [JDEV] Messages when out of computer
David Waite
- [JDEV] Out-of-band transfer
David Waite
- [JDEV] JabberBeans 0.9.0 pre 2 released
David Waite
- Subject: [JDEV] Regarding The Source Code of the Development Server
David Waite
- [JDEV] JabberBeans survey
David Waite
- [JDEV] JabberBeans survey
David Waite
- [JDEV] How to download working Yahoo, Aim, ICQ and MSN transports for Jabber1.4?
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] (no subject)
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] Problems with install Yahoo transport after getting it from CVS
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] How to make adnshost resolving my aimtrans.canasta.com
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] ICQ - Waiting for Instructions ....
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] Anyone got Yahoo-t compile?
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] How to get Yahoo-t working with jabber1.4 final?
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] RE: jdev digest, Vol 1 #638 - 13 msgs
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] FIX for ICQ waiting for info problem
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] FIX for ICQ waiting for info problem
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] RE: FIX for ICQ waiting for info problem
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] My first jabber1.4 Crashed
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] RE: My first jabber1.4 Crashed
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] Jabber SMS transport
Frank Wang
- [JDEV] Use of IdentifierCounter
Gerry Wheeler
- [JDEV] Calling all entrepreneurs for VP Engineering opportunity
Colleen White
- [JDEV] Jabber project
Stephen D. Williams
- [JDEV] Please Help!!
Stuart Williams
- [JDEV] Regarding The Source Code of the Development Server
Michael Wilson
- [JDEV] Think I found a new bug in the ICQ transport
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] timed out from group chat.
Oliver Wing
- [JDEV] Please Help!!
Oliver Wing
- [JDEV] JabberCOM Question.
Oliver Wing
- [JDEV] Developmen of simple jabber client with VC++ and jabberCOM
Oliver Wing
- [JDEV] Registration question
John C. Wojtulewicz
- [JDEV] Registration question
John C. Wojtulewicz
- [JDEV] Mime or oob question
John C. Wojtulewicz
- [JDEV] Jabber ROCKS!
Greg Wong
- [JDEV] chat room question
Greg Wong
- [JDEV] winjabber
Greg Wong
- [JDEV] (no subject)
Greg Wong
- [JDEV] Installl Jabber Server v1.4 Behind Firewall
Morris Wong
- [JDEV] New Transport Architecture - Idea
Mark Zamoyta
- [JDEV] New Transport Architecture - Idea
Mark Zamoyta
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - 1.4 Release Candidate available
Erich Zigler
- [JDEV] jabber.org Broken DNS?
Erich Zigler
- [JDEV] jabber.org Broken DNS?
Erich Zigler
- [JDEV] jabberd error
Erich Zigler
- [JDEV] Possible memleak in 1.4?
Erich Zigler
- [JDEV] New Transport Architecture - Idea
- [JDEV] cons of jabber technology
- [JDEV] How to extend an existing opensource jabber client to support the aim transport?
mitchell balsam
- [JDEV] MSN transport - retrieving the contat list
frank booth
- [JDEV] unsuscribe
- [JDEV] Jabber 1.4 final and ICQ-t
- [JDEV] Jabber 1.4 final and ICQ-t
- [JDEV] current bots?
M hirsch
- [JDEV] private conference
anthony hurge
- [JDEV] Infrastructur/Extension Questions
- [JDEV] Re: [jadmin] Anyone got Yahoo-t compile?
jpc at jpcampbell.com
- [JDEV] Regarding The Source Code of the Development Server
mark at mjwilcox.com
- [JDEV] cons of jabber technology
kadokev at msg.net
- [JDEV] Re: SSL (via) stunnel help..
kadokev at msg.net
- [JDEV] Jabber via proxy (Question, and possible answer)
kadokev at msg.net
- [JDEV] jabber user limits
ram at oregan.net
- [JDEV] Auto restarting jabberd
james rogers
- [JDEV] Monitoring jabberd...
james rogers
- [JDEV] Secure instant messaging.
james rogers
- [JDEV] Upgraded to jabber1.4RC
james rogers
- [JDEV] One week of running jabberd 1.4
james rogers
- [JDEV] (no subject)
james rogers
- [JDEV] Re:One week of running jabberd 1.4
james rogers
- [JDEV] Parent PID changed, exiting...
james rogers
- [JDEV] Core dump with the icq transport...
james rogers
- [JDEV] msn transport sending password as nickname.
james rogers
- [JDEV] Here is a strange error...
james rogers
- Subject: [JDEV] Regarding The Source Code of the Development Server
james rogers
- [JDEV] Regarding The Source Code of the Development Server
- [JDEV] Source Code of JabberIM
- [JDEV] (no subject)
- [JDEV] Jabber SMS transport
deneb shah
- [JDEV] group chat & the other transports
- [JDEV] Dumb Proxy Question
- [JDEV] cons of jabber technology
siddharth thakkar
- [JDEV] user authentication
siddharth thakkar
- [JDEV] RE: showing as logged off in AOL IM?
alsilinskas at truecommerce.com
- [JDEV] mod-register
dave_parkes at uk.ibm.com
- [JDEV] how to run the server?
- [JDEV] Participate in developping Jabber
- [JDEV] Jabber Solaris Version
- [JDEV] Help me setup irc-transport
- [JDEV] ICQ transport problem
Last message date:
Wed Feb 28 10:31:20 CST 2001
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 09:39:22 CST 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).