January 2000 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Jan 1 03:58:03 CST 2000
Ending: Mon Jan 31 15:19:50 CST 2000
Messages: 217
- [JDEV] Authentication Problems
- [JDEV] Distributed Directory (OT: server performance question s)
Peter Abrahamsen
- [JDEV] Standards
Peter Abrahamsen
- [JDEV] Standards
William Ahern
- [JDEV] Standards
William Ahern
- [JDEV] Roster and presence
Stanislav Angelov
- [JDEV] Roster and presence
Stanislav Angelov
- [JDEV] Standards
Daniel Arbuckle
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Don Bartlett
- [JDEV] <x/> namespace registration
Eric Bowersox
- [JDEV] <x/> namespace registration
Eric Bowersox
Andy Brezinsky
Jason Brunk
Jason Brunk
Jason Brunk
Jason Brunk
- [JDEV] A question about the roster.
Jim Burnett
- [JDEV] Authentication Problems
Jim Burnett
- [JDEV] <~~~~~New to the SysTeM
Jim Burnett
Jim Burnett
- [JDEV] <~~~~~New to the SysTeM
Jim Burnett
- [JDEV] server installation
Jim Burnett
- [JDEV] resource_in_use
Jim Burnett
- [JDEV] resource_in_use
Jim Burnett
- [JDEV] New Jabber Install, etc.
Donn Cave
- [JDEV] [INFO] i18n? (fwd)
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] We Made it!
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Getting an account
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] CVS Account, Mozilla client
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Fwd: [secure-jabber] Re: Security digest, Vol 1 #28 - 2 msgs
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] <x/> namespace registration
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] <~~~~~New to the SysTeM
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] <x/> namespace registration
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server installation
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server installation
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server performance questions
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server installation
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server-access
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server performance questions
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server performance questions
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server performance questions
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server installation
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Can't install server on FreeBSD.
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server installation
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server installation
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] resource
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Can't install server on FreeBSD.
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] resource_in_use
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] resource_in_use
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] CVS Etherx?
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Napster 'transport'
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Napster 'transport'
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Standards
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Standards
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Standards
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Standards
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Standards
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] why mod_basic_*?
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] Etherx communications..
Thomas Charron
- [JDEV] server installation
Lei Chen
- [JDEV] server installation
Anup Chopra
- [JDEV] [INFO] i18n? (fwd)
Jon A. Cruz
- [JDEV] Fwd: MPAA Continues Intimidation Campaign; Police Raid Home of Norwegian Linux Coder
- [JDEV] jabber:iq:info
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] A question about the server
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] A question about the server
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Jabber Server bug
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Perl Users
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Jabber Server bug
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Perl Modules available on CPAN
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] <x/> namespace registration
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] <x/> namespace registration
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Standards
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Changing E-Mail Address for List
Kerem 'Waster_' HADIMLI
- [JDEV] Standards
Kerem 'Waster_' HADIMLI
- [JDEV] Getting a CVS account
David Hallowell
- [JDEV] A question about the roster.
Seth Hartbecke
- [JDEV] A question about the roster.
Seth Hartbecke
- [JDEV] Fwd: [secure-jabber] Re: Security digest, Vol 1 #28 - 2 msgs
Seth Hartbecke
- [JDEV] libfaim
Howard H. Holgate
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Jay, Dylan
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Jay, Dylan
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Jay, Dylan
- [JDEV] Distributed Directory (OT: server performance question s)
Jay, Dylan
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Michael D. Johnson
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Michael D. Johnson
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Michael D. Johnson
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Michael D. Johnson
- [JDEV] server installation
Michael D. Johnson
- [JDEV] server installation
Michael D. Johnson
- [JDEV] server installation
Michael D. Johnson
- [JDEV] server performance questions
Corbett J. Klempay
- [JDEV] server performance questions
Corbett J. Klempay
- [JDEV] server performance questions
Corbett J. Klempay
- [JDEV] jabber:iq:roster question
Nickolai Kussovski
- [JDEV] A bug in the roster
Nickolai Kussovski
- [JDEV] A question about the server
Nickolai Kussovski
- [JDEV] A question about the server
Nickolai Kussovski
- [JDEV] A question about the roster.
Nickolai Kussovski
- [JDEV] A question about the roster.
Nickolai Kussovski
- [JDEV] [INFO] i18n? (fwd)
Eliot Landrum
- [JDEV] New Jabber Install, etc.
Eliot Landrum
- [JDEV] Updated Jabber Server mini-HOWTO
Eliot Landrum
- [JDEV] Re: Updated Jabber Server mini-HOWTO
Eliot Landrum
- [JDEV] Getting an account
Eliot Landrum
- [JDEV] Not Dead!
Eliot Landrum
- [JDEV] Distributed Directory (OT: server performance questions)
Eliot Landrum
- [JDEV] Fw: Re: [INFO] Writing a Jabber Client
Eliot Landrum
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Eliot Landrum
- [JDEV] Napster 'transport'
Eliot Landrum
- [JDEV] ActiveX: HearMe and Yahoo Using Jabber?
Eliot Landrum
- [JDEV] New Jabber Install, etc.
John P. Looney
- [JDEV] SQL authentication ?
John P. Looney
- [JDEV] http://www.CorelCity.com/jabber.htm
John P. Looney
- [JDEV] Standards
John P. Looney
- [JDEV] Authentication Problems
Paul L. McNeely
- [JDEV] Authentication Problems
Paul L. McNeely
- [JDEV] New Jabber Install, etc.
Jeffrey Meltzer
- [JDEV] Roster and presence
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] resource_in_use
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Standards
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Standards
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Jabber Server bug
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] A question about the roster.
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] A question about the roster.
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] A question about the roster.
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Jabber newbie, XML parsing
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] resource_in_use
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Standards
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Standards
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] Standards...
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Mozilla Client Update
Eric Murphy
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Russell Nelson
- [JDEV] why mod_basic_*?
Russell Nelson
- [JDEV] why mod_basic_*?
Russell Nelson
- [JDEV] modules/PAM ?
Russell Nelson
- [JDEV] scaling a single server?
Russell Nelson
- [JDEV] Java Clients?
- [JDEV] resource_in_use
Jacob O'Reilly
- [JDEV] Re: Updated Jabber Server mini-HOWTO
- [JDEV] Re: Standards
- [JDEV] <~~~~~New to the SysTeM
oO W0rMeR Oo
- [JDEV] Napster 'transport'
oO W0rMeR Oo
- [JDEV] Standards
Jerrad Pierce
- [JDEV] Standards
Jerrad Pierce
- [JDEV] Standards
Jerrad Pierce
- [JDEV] Standards
Jerrad Pierce
- [JDEV] Standards
Jerrad Pierce
- [JDEV] Standards...
Jerrad Pierce
- [JDEV] Getting an account
Stefan Retta
- [JDEV] [INFO] i18n? (fwd)
Scott Robinson
- [JDEV] New Jabber Install, etc.
Scott Robinson
- [JDEV] Getting an account
Scott Robinson
- [JDEV] Roster and presence
Scott Robinson
- [JDEV] Newbie Question
Scott Robinson
- [JDEV] We Made it!
Anthony Ross
Howard Ryan
- [JDEV] Authentication Problems
Andrew Salamon
- [JDEV] Standards
Andrew Salamon
- [JDEV] Newbie Question
Larry Salibra
- [JDEV] Newbie Question
Eric Schneck
- [JDEV] Need Server to Test Newton Client
Eric Schneck
- [JDEV] Jabber newbie, XML parsing
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] Standards
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] Standards
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] Standards
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] Java Jabber client
Kevin Smith
- [JDEV] Java Jabber client
Kevin Smith
- [JDEV] Surely I can't be this dumb...
Kevin Smith
- [JDEV] server-access
Chandan Sonaye
- [JDEV] resource
Chandan Sonaye
- [JDEV] resource_in_use
Chandan Sonaye
- [JDEV] server installation
Robert Thompson
- [JDEV] server installation
Robert Thompson
- [JDEV] server performance questions
Robert Thompson
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
Robert Thompson
- [JDEV] Changing E-Mail Address for List
Robert Thompson
- [JDEV] ActiveX: HearMe and Yahoo Using Jabber?
Robert Thompson
- [JDEV] Can't install server on FreeBSD.
Vlad Vavilov
- [JDEV] Can't install server on FreeBSD.
Vlad Vavilov
Sundar Venugopalan
Sundar Venugopalan
Sundar Venugopalan
- [JDEV] Roster and presence
Steven Wagner
- [JDEV] wow ... Everybuddy
Steven Wagner
- [JDEV] Java Jabber client
David Waite
- [JDEV] http://www.CorelCity.com/jabber.htm
David Waite
- [JDEV] Java Clients?
David Waite
- [JDEV] server installation
David Waite
- [JDEV] server installation
David Waite
- [JDEV] server performance questions
David Waite
- [JDEV] test
David Waite
- [JDEV] Getting an account
Jeremy Wise
- [JDEV] Getting an account
Jeremy Wise
- [JDEV] Getting an account
- [JDEV] Standards
- [JDEV] Jabber newbie, XML parsing
- [JDEV] Firewall jumping
sean gilman
- [JDEV] Jabber Server bug
- [JDEV] Newbie Question
- [JDEV] server performance questions
- [JDEV] Distributed Directory (OT: server performance question s)
- [JDEV] server installation
- [JDEV] Distributed Directory (OT: server performance question s)
- [JDEV] CVS Etherx?
- [JDEV] Need Server to Test Newton Client
- [JDEV] Standards
Last message date:
Mon Jan 31 15:19:50 CST 2000
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 09:39:01 CST 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).