[JDEV] Firewall jumping

Michael D. Johnson mike_johnson at credence.com
Wed Jan 19 13:39:00 CST 2000


Passing on some thoughts about the HTTP service, and asking for return
comments. I am use the symbols <<>> to indicate variable identites and
|| to indicate a choice. This should leave the <> symbol that HTML/HTTP

My understanding after searching through documentation of the HTTP 1.2
(1.1 pre 7?) protocol seems to be fairly simplistic.  

We have the XML jabber server on the local machine -- A and the HTTP
server on the firewall machine -- B.  It seems to me that the service we
want is a server to server protocol. Then wouldn't we have to open an
socket connection on port 80 between A & B? 

We could restrict the HTTP types to GET || HEAD || PUT || DELETE ||
OPTIONS || TRACE || POST  to keep the variations down. 

Then we have a single type of message body being passed between the

<<HTTP TYPE>> <<Jabber Target HOST URL>>:<<Port #>> HTTP/1.1
FROM     :     <<enduserid email tag>>
CONTENT-TYPE    :     text/XML
CONNECTION     :     open-persist || close
SERVER     :     Jabber/1.0-dev
{Required blank line}
<<XML information if any>>
{Required blank line}


Thomas Charron wrote:
> Quoting "Jay, Dylan" <djay at lucent.com>:
> > From the specs I can see that using a client through proxies is possible.
> > What is the status of any effort for a client that will do this?
>   Depends on the type of firewall..  Sockifying a client wouldn't be that hard,
> but in order for a client to traverse an HTTP firewall, it will require an HTTP
> service be developed for jserver, which isn't very far fetched at all, but I
> don't believe as of yet anyone has begun work on such a beast..
> ---
> Thomas Charron
> << Wanted: One decent sig >>
> << Preferably litle used  >>
> << and stored in garage.  ?>>
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