[JDEV] Mozilla Client Update

Eric Murphy murphy at cedarnet.org
Wed Jan 12 15:52:05 CST 2000

Greetings all-

I seen someone asking about the Mozilla client, and if there was any code
available. Well, there is, but not anything that translates into a usable

The fact of the matter is that Mozilla is not up to the level where Jeremie
and I are comfortable trying to get something working on it.

However, Jeremie has obtained the necessary information for using Javascript
to connect to the networking layer of Mozilla, and he has apparently gotten
a head start on that major part of the client.

I have the "easy" part of doing the GUI, and I have several bugs in Bugzilla
over XUL, HTML, and CSS issues, some which may cause me grief in designing
the look of the client. The number one roadblock is screen drawing bugs, so
many times I cannot even see what I am doing.

Also, the sidebar code is immature in Mozilla, and I really should
contribute to that before I do serious work on client. One feaure Jeremie
and I think would be great is a detachable sidebar, and I have succeeding in
getting that partially working, but with the screen drawing bugs, and pop-up
window sizing bugs.

So anyway, we have to be patient for Mozilla get the kinks out of their
product, and you will have to be patient for Jeremie and I. Once we feel
Mozilla is ready, we will have a simple client hammered out very quickly,
and go on from there. It could be any week (or day) now...just keep your
eyes open.

Talk to you all later,

Eric Murphy

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