[JDEV] Standards

Kerem 'Waster_' HADIMLI waster at iname.com
Wed Jan 26 22:56:31 CST 2000

Peter Millard wrote:
> I kind of like this idea of using XML to store config info.
> <client name="WinJab">
>     <foo>Some WinJab specific stuff</foo>
>     <resource>pgm-winjab</resource>
>     <options>
>         <autoconnect/>
>     </options>
>     <position x='300' y='400' w='350' h='400'>
> </client>
> <client name="Jabba">
>     <foo>Some Jabba specific stuff</foo>
>     <resource>pgm-jabba</resource>
> </client>
> </jabber_config>
> Comments?

The format of this part should be the same on config file and the server-side.
For example, if a client wants to use server-side options, then it shouldn't
have another procedure to parse server-side configuration...

Kerem 'Waster_' HADIMLI
If it happens once, it's a bug.
If it happens twice, it's a feature.
If it happens more than twice, it's a design philosophy.

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