[JDEV] server performance questions

David Waite mass at ufl.edu
Thu Jan 20 09:19:55 CST 2000

As far as I can tell, ICQ is basically a directory service. All
communication is really done through peer-peer TCP connections (Which is
why the program often will just stop working through a firewall after a
few minutes). Messages sent through the server, well, all communication
with the server is via UDP, and not neccessarily the best UDP format ever.
Messages that are received by the server are apparently sent to a central
database where they are stored, then batched out periodically to users
(supposedly immediately if the other user is online, but definately not
always, I've seen 36 hour delays)

Back when they were approaching 10 million users they had a total of ten
IPs resolving as icq.mirabilis.com, I assume those were all separate
servers in the cluster. I also assume they majorly redid their hardware
before the servers were shipped over to their current home at AOL (I
remember the week of worse-than-usual ICQ service that happened right
around this time)

-David Waite

On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Corbett J. Klempay wrote:

> Ah wow, that's much better than I was expecting.  How common do you expect
> Jabber servers to be? (like every ISP running them? lots of
> personal/college dorm ones?)
> Hmm, I'd be curious to know what kind of hardware is running the
> icq#.mirabilis.com servers.  (I would think ICQ's protocol would be much
> less server-intensive, though)
> Here is a question that is probably been talked about/done...say I'm a
> Jabber user trying to find a friend...how is directory searching (or the
> equivalent of) treated? I mean, does the user have to know what server to
> check, or is there a way to have it mask (from a searching standpoint) the
> large number of servers, making it appear to the user like they are
> searching just one large directory?
> ---
> Corbett J. Klempay
> Trilogy Software, Inc.
> 512.532.5176 (W) | 512.750.1372 (C)
> corbett.klempay at trilogy.com
> On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Thomas Charron wrote:
> > Quoting "Corbett J. Klempay" <cklempay at chimera.acm.jhu.edu>:
> > > Something I kept forgetting to ask (but Robert Thompson's last email
> > > reminded me): how will the jabber server scale to high user loads?  XML
> > > parsing is slow as hell...it seems like parsing of lots of tags (when you
> > > have lots of users) will murder a server...
> > 
> >   I can't speak for the other developers, but it all depends on what 'high user 
> > load' is.  That threshold differs from machine to machine.  On a P200 w/64 
> > Megs, I can connect 1,000 users, and have an average thoughput of 20-40 
> > messages per second processed overall.  Bear in mind, this is on a machine 
> > running X, etc, so it's not able to use 100% of the system resources..
> > 
> > --- 
> > Thomas Charron
> > << Wanted: One decent sig >>
> > << Preferably litle used  >>
> > << and stored in garage.  ?>>
> > 
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