[JDEV] Standards

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Wed Jan 26 14:51:49 CST 2000

Quoting Peter Millard <peter at vantek-corp.com>:
> Keeping just connection info client side makes sense...
> Assuming that we can send/recv all of the vcard stuff to/from the server
> using
> the jabber:iq:info namespace. This should work well.

> The only issues are client-specific options... many of these would need to
> be
> read BEFORE the connection is established, and these are not likely to be
> useful
> to other clients also. (IE, Cabber won't want to read WinJab's prefs..) So
> really what we need to do is to really start using the vcard standard &
> jabber:iq:info.

  And if that information is pretty much useless for other clients, why burden 
client developers with a 'universal config format'?  Example would be under 
Windows.  Windows uses the registry for virtually everything, and many, MANY 
developers will end up using it.  Under Linux, it's a different story.  And 
then there's the Mac.. ;-P

Thomas Charron
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