[JDEV] <x/> namespace registration

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Tue Jan 18 14:55:27 CST 2000

Quoting Ryan Eatmon <reatmon at ti.com>:
> >        <x xmlns="com:ti:what:ever">
> >          <!-- some TI-specific data here -->
> >        </x>
> I like this idea.  It serves to make sure that what you come up with in
> one place will be unique unless someone decides to stomp around in
> someone else's sandbox.  Anybody have any thoughts about this method for
> namespaces?  and if the Jabber project is going to officially push any
> method for the creation of namespaces?

  I'm still deciding if I like the above method, but jabber:x: based namespaces 
would actually FIT in that convention.  Perhaps..

Thomas Charron
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