[JDEV] A question about the roster.

Nickolai Kussovski nike at webmessenger.bg
Wed Jan 12 11:17:55 CST 2000

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Keith Minkler 
  To: jdev at jabber.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 5:19 PM
  Subject: RE: [JDEV] A question about the roster.

  User B probably never sent a <presence/> to indicate it was online,  in the future, you have to ALSO get your roster before you will get any subscription requests.

  No, B has sent both <presence/> and <presence><status>I am online!</status></presence>
  A has too. And A is the first to connect.

    Let's have A and B with empty rosters and both are connected. A adds B to his roster and asks him for a subscription:
    <presence to="B" type="subscribe"/> 
    B does not receive anything.
    Is this a bug, or I have missed something?

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