[JDEV] resource_in_use

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Mon Jan 24 19:47:58 CST 2000

Quoting Jim Burnett <jburnett at localsquare.com>:
> the jabba client doesnt give that error even if it crashes. Only clients
> that use jabberCOM seem to crash to this.
> > The *only* way (until 0.9) to prevent this is to not crash the client.
> that
> > message happens when your client gets disconnected (or crashes) before it
> > tells the server it's logging off.. the correct way to close the stream
> is
> > to send a </stream:stream> command just before disconnecting.

  This may the COM DLL not really closing the socket after a crash.  Next time
it happens, do a netstat, and let us know is socket 5222 is still connected
AFTER the crash.

  The server will usually disconnect dead users, but in a crash situation under
Win32, strange things can happen, and it seems to me, this may be the case..

Thomas Charron
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