[JDEV] Java Jabber client

David Waite mass at ufl.edu
Tue Jan 4 18:54:05 CST 2000

There is a java list (java-dev at jabber.org), but it may have dropped off the
website in the current state of the site's evolution :)

There are two modules in CVS for java

java-jabberbeans, which is a java bean for use with the old 0.6 server. I am
currently working to upgrade this to 0.8.1, with JabberCOM as my guide (the
COM bindings that are in the win32 jabberoo project). This WIP code of mine
is not checked into the main CVS, I'm holding out until it actually is
partially working (log in, send messages).

java-webb, which is code that Webb is graciously donating to the jabber
project. There have been quite a few changes to this over the last week, and
I finally am off vacation so I have a little bit of free time to work on
merging their work with my own. (Funny how you have a lot less free time
when on vacation, hmmm?)

java-jabberbeans is the library used to make applications and applets, while
java-webb is the parser that sits underneath it to handle the actual data
being sent to and from the server. When java-jabberbeans is complete, it
will ship with an example applet that can be placed on a web page, launched
from a web page, or run as a java application. I actually have a partial
applet for the old java-jabberbeans, but I had too many problems with the
old library and gave up that work.

-David Waite

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jdev-admin at jabber.org [mailto:jdev-admin at jabber.org]On Behalf Of
> Kevin Smith
> Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 6:52 PM
> To: jdev at jabber.org
> Subject: [JDEV] Java Jabber client
> Folks -
> Is there any development happening w/ the Java client?  Apologies
> if I'm asking an old question, but I don't see a mailing list on
> java.jabber.org.  I did read in the list archives (post from John
> P. Looney, 11/30/99) that there hasn't been much Java or Win32
> development.
> I'd like to help out w/the Java client but don't want to reinvent
> the wheel if others are already working on it....
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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