[JDEV] New Jabber Install, etc.

Scott Robinson quad at jabber.org
Tue Jan 4 22:33:24 CST 2000

If properly installed, etherx should auto-load jserver immediately. However,
if your problems are being seen within the error log, an attached paste
would be very handy.


* Jeffrey Meltzer translated into ASCII [Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 09:24:28PM -0500][<Pine.GSO.4.21.0001042120310.3509-100000 at mail.villagenet.com>]
> My company is interested in hosting a Jabber server and creating a branded
> Jabber client that we can ship to our customers.  We would prefer to use
> something that already has a foundation rather than starting from scratch
> and Jabber seems to have a lot of potential.
> We are however having a bit of difficulty starting out, there is
> really no general Jabber list to ask how to get off the ground.  I think
> this would definately be beneficial to the project since there are a large
> numbers of groups, none of which seem completely appropriate for asking
> questions about the whole system.  Everything compiled/installed
> cleanly.  The only real doc I could find was the 'Jabber Server
> mini-HOWTO', which gave some good hints on the config files (along with
> the distribution ones), but, the server still won't startup.  Etherxd
> starts up ok, but i'm getting errors when I try and fire up
> jserver.
> Thanks,
> Jeffrey Meltzer			meltzer at villagenet.com
> Sr. Network Administrator	http://www.meltzer.org
> VillageWorld.com, Inc.		(631) 218-9090
> The Unofficial Guide to Solaris http://www.solarisguide.com
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Version: 3.12
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