March 2002 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Mar 1 01:49:31 CST 2002
Ending: Sun Mar 31 23:55:57 CST 2002
Messages: 432
- [JDEV] Jabber server hostname and JIDs
Thomas Parslow (PatRat)
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
Thomas Parslow (PatRat)
- [JDEV] Marvin 0.0.6 Released!
Thomas Parslow (PatRat)
- [JDEV] AIM-Transport under cygwin
Thomas Parslow (PatRat)
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
- zad -
- [JDEV] Thesis work: jabber news watcher
-= COBNET =-
- [JDEV] Thesis work: jabber news watcher
-= COBNET =-
- [JDEV] Thesis work: jabber news watcher
-= COBNET =-
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
-= COBNET =-
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
-= COBNET =-
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
-= COBNET =-
- [JDEV] A Jabber 'client deamon'
-= COBNET =-
- [JDEV] Resources and Priorities Questions
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Jabber server hostname and JIDs
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] On Privacy/Invisibility (aka: Buddy Permit/Deny)
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Help needed - PLEASE!
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] 1.4 Services Daemon
DJ Adams
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] module development
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] module development
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] vCard DTD?
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Perl Headline Delivery script Error?
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Perl Headline Delivery script Error?
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] The logger cc and presence bcc in 1.4.2
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Protocol Changes
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Standards-JIG list: important
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Net::Jabber and oob
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Perl Headline Delivery script Error?
Stephen Allsopp
- [JDEV] WAP JAbber
Maria Adoração Alves
- [JDEV] Open IM (was Jabber Transports - New Architecture)
- [JDEV] Open IM (was Jabber Transports - New Architecture)
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
- Publishing Stats (was Re: [JDEV] Concurrent Users)
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
- Publishing Stats (was Re: [JDEV] Concurrent Users)
- [JDEV] Open IM (was Jabber Transports - New Architecture)
Jonathan Augenstine
Jonathan Augenstine
Jonathan Augenstine
- [JDEV] Using transports alone
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] Using transports alone
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] RV: [jadmin] MSN with 1.4.2
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] Putting Jabberd in Startup on Linux
Rodrigo Borrego Bernabé
- [JDEV] vCard DTD?
- [JDEV] vCard DTD?
- [JDEV] s2s SSL
Bray, Dan
- [JDEV] AIM-Transport under cygwin
Brechtel, James
- [JDEV] AIM-Transport under cygwin
Brechtel, James
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] AIM away messages. (was: AIM-t crashes)
Andrew J. Capule
- [JDEV] AIM away messages. (was: AIM-t crashes)
Andrew J. Capule
- [JDEV] Question on using NIO with SAX
Chan, Oscar
- [JDEV] Question on using NIO with SAX
Chan, Oscar
- [JDEV] Question on using NIO with SAX
Chan, Oscar
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] Question on using NIO with SAX
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
Lake Clear
- [JDEV] xdb_sql and MSN transport code?
Eddie Conner
- [JDEV] MSN Transport - xdb_sql source code?
Eddie Conner
- [JDEV] MSN Transport - xdb_sql source code?
Eddie Conner
- [JDEV] Dynamic Creation of Users in Jabber Server
Eddie Conner
- [JDEV] msn transport registration
Michael S. Coulman
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies : leave AOL alone
Jay Curry
- [JDEV] s2s SSL
Jay Curry
- [JDEV] Newbie question - SMS transport
Jay Curry
- [JDEV] (no subject)
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies : leave AOL alone
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies : leave AOL alone
- [JDEV] Putting Jabberd in Startup on Linux
- [JDEV] Winpopup compatibility, multiple recipients
- [JDEV] Winpopup compatibility, multiple recipients
- [JDEV] Winpopup compatibility, multiple recipients
- [JDEV] How To Configure A Jabber Client To Use Port 80
- [JDEV] Win32 JabberD Installer
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Using transports alone
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] SAX Parsing and server headers
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Help on developing jabber client needed!
Tom Dukefoss
- [JDEV] Jabber server hostname and JIDs
Dave Dykstra
- [JDEV] XData-Service
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] presence messages
Frederic FELTEN
- [JDEV] module development
Frederic FELTEN
- [JDEV] A Jabber 'client deamon'
Jan Fabry
- [JDEV] Yahoo Transport
Ajay Garg
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Ajay Garg
- [JDEV] module development
Peter Gebauer
- [JDEV] module development
Peter Gebauer
- [JDEV] Jabberd in Startup on Linux
Peter Gebauer
- [JDEV] Jabber advocacy
Peter Gebauer
- [JDEV] Building jabberd 1.4.2 on SCO OpenServer 5.0.6
- [JDEV] RESOLVED Building jabberd 1.4.2 on SCO, plus a Makefile "bug"
- [JDEV] Server-to-server connections down? Downgrading PTH will fix it!
- [JDEV] Differences between "public" and "private" conferencing?
- [JDEV] "Latest" MSN and ICQ transports?
- [JDEV] Net::Jabber and oob
Rico -mc- Gloeckner
- [JDEV] Net::Jabber and oob
Rico -mc- Gloeckner
- [JDEV] Net::Jabber and oob
Rico -mc- Gloeckner
- [JDEV] Re: AIM-t crashes, was: Jabber Advocacy
Rico -mc- Gloeckner
- [JDEV] Jabberd in Startup on Linux
Rico -mc- Gloeckner
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy and looking for M$ Windows client
Rico -mc- Gloeckner
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy and looking for M$ Windows client
Rico -mc- Gloeckner
- [JDEV] ANN : FLAIM - a Flash IM client
John Goalby
- [JDEV] ANN : FLAIM - a Flash IM client
John Goalby
- [JDEV] ANN : FLAIM - a Flash IM client
John Goalby
- [JDEV] Client
John Goalby
- [JDEV] Client
John Goalby
- [JDEV] icqv7 core dumps on external part ?
Wim Godden
- [JDEV] icqv7 core dumps on external part ?
Wim Godden
- [JDEV] icqv7 core dumps on external part ?
Wim Godden
- [JDEV] webjab
Niklas Gustavsson
- [JDEV] Re: [JDEV] webjab
Niklas Gustavsson
- [JDEV] JECL and Address resolution
Piers Harding
- [JDEV] question on running ECHO component
Piers Harding
- [JDEV] JECL and Address resolution
Piers Harding
- [JDEV] Perl Headline Delivery script Error?
Piers Harding
- [JDEV] JECL library for Win32
Piers Harding
- [JDEV] What commercial client libraries are available?
Joe Hildebrand
- [JDEV] Question on using NIO with SAX
Joe Hildebrand
- [JDEV] Question on using NIO with SAX
Joe Hildebrand
- [JDEV] client performance
Jason Horman
- [JDEV] AIMt CVS from jabberstudio coredumps without warning
Tijl Houtbeckers
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
Tijl Houtbeckers
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
Tijl Houtbeckers
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
Tijl Houtbeckers
- [JDEV] Using transports alone
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] Docs on the XDB element ?
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] Docs on the XDB element ?
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] Docs on the XDB element ?
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] Docs on the XDB element ?
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies : leave AOL alone
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies : leave AOL alone
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] A "sniffer" component
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] Newbie question - SMS transport
Riviere Stéphane Jean
- [JDEV] Jabber server hostname and JIDs
- [JDEV] vs. commercial Jabber structure
- [JDEV] vs. commercial Jabber structure
- [JDEV] Re: [oob-jig] voice chat and video chat
Ivan R. Judson
- [JDEV] vs. commercial Jabber structure
Ivan R. Judson
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
- [JDEV] ICQv7 Transport and hourly presence update
- [JDEV] Putting Jabberd in Startup on Linux
Gunjan Kakani
- [JDEV] Putting Jabberd in Startup on Linux
Gunjan Kakani
- [JDEV] help
Gunjan Kakani
- [JDEV] Perl Headline Delivery script Error?
Gunjan Kakani
- [JDEV] jpolld build question
Robert Kelly
- [JDEV] jpolld where r u ??
Robert Kelly
- [JDEV] Watchdog tool for Jabber..
Ritu Khetan
- [JDEV] JabberApplet - anyone got latest code working?
Bradley Kieser
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
Justin Kirby
- [JDEV] Users cannot reconnect after the jabberd is restarted
Tom Kohl
- [JDEV] Re: [oob-jig] voice chat and video chat
Jacek Konieczny
- [JDEV] Open IM (was Jabber Transports - New Architecture)
Holger P. Krekel
- [JDEV] vs. commercial Jabber structure
Mike Kronenberg
- [JDEV] vs. commercial Jabber structure
Mike Kronenberg
- [JDEV] Newbie: c2s SSL
Richard Körber
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
Brian Lalor
- [JDEV] Problem using jabberd server
(Ted) Ho Lee
- [JDEV] ICQv7 Transport and hourly presence update
Michal Leinweber
- [JDEV] Jabber advocacy
Rikard Linde
- [JDEV] Open IM (was Jabber Transports - New Architecture)
Perry Lorier
Glenn MacGregor
- [JDEV] module development
Glenn MacGregor
- [JDEV] vs. commercial Jabber structure
Michael F. March
- [JDEV] voice chat and video chat
Ryutaroh Matsumoto
- [JDEV] Client
Justin Mecham
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy and looking for M$ Windows client
Nathan J. Mehl
- [JDEV] Jabber server hostname and JIDs
Ralph Meijer
- [JDEV] module development
Ralph Meijer
- [JDEV] Open IM (was Jabber Transports - New Architecture)
- [JDEV] JECL library for Win32
Max Metral
- [JDEV] On Privacy/Invisibility (aka: Buddy Permit/Deny)
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] On Privacy/Invisibility (aka: Buddy Permit/Deny)
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Yahoo Transport
Riyaad Miller
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
Riyaad Miller
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Riyaad Miller
- [JDEV] Yahoo Transport
Riyaad Miller
- [JDEV] Personal subsciption message relaying within Jabber
Riyaad Miller
- [JDEV] Max number of users....revisted!
Riyaad Miller
- [JDEV] jpolld where r u ??
Riyaad Miller
- [JDEV] Concurrent Users
Riyaad Miller
- [JDEV] Winpopup compatibility, multiple recipients
Mike Mintz
- [JDEV] Winpopup compatibility, multiple recipients
Mike Mintz
- [JDEV] WAP JAbber
Mike Mintz
- [JDEV] Thesis work: jabber news watcher
Mike Mintz
- [JDEV] AIMt CVS from jabberstudio coredumps without warning
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] ICQv7 Transport and hourly presence update
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Open IM (was Jabber Transports - New Architecture)
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] vCard DTD?
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] vCard DTD?
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Re: AIM-t crashes, was: Jabber Advocacy
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Re: AIM-t crashes, was: Jabber Advocacy
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy and looking for M$ Windows client
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] A Jabber 'client deamon'
- [JDEV] Win32 JabberD Installer
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Using transports alone
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Using transports alone
Thomas Muldowney
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] dpsm
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] AIMt CVS from jabberstudio coredumps without warning
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] jpolld build question
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] question on scm
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Any jabber client/server developers at the IETF Minneapolis
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] How To Get A Remote Jabber Clients IP
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] upgrading to jabber-1.4.2
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] server question
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] server question
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] server question
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Concurrent Users
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Thesis work: jabber news watcher
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Newbie: c2s SSL
Thomas Muldowney
- Publishing Stats (was Re: [JDEV] Concurrent Users)
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] webjab
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Winpopup compatibility, multiple recipients
Brock Nanson
- [JDEV] AIMt CVS from jabberstudio coredumps without warning
Jeremy Nickurak
- [JDEV] Jabber server hostname and JIDs
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] Jabber server hostname and JIDs
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] server question
Jose Obando
- [JDEV] server question
Jose Obando
- [JDEV] server question
Jose Obando
- [JDEV] .NET and JabberCOM crash
Mike Oliver
Michel Oosterbeek
- [JDEV] Jabberd in Startup on Linux
Michel Oosterbeek
- [JDEV] Jabberd in Startup on Linux
Michel Oosterbeek
- [JDEV] Jabberd in Startup on Linux
Michel Oosterbeek
- [JDEV] Protocol Changes
Stephen Pendleton
- [JDEV] Re: Protocol Change
Stephen Pendleton
- [JDEV] Perl Headline Delivery script Error?
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] Dynamic Creation of Users in Jabber Server
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] Dynamic Creation of Users in Jabber Server
Nicholas Perez
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] Groups managing
Chris Pile
- [JDEV] BUG: xdb_auth check
Chris Pile
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Matthew Porter
- [JDEV] Docs on the XDB element ?
Stefan Praszalowicz
- [JDEV] Putting Jabberd in Startup on Linux
J. R.
- [JDEV] Jabber Applet
- [JDEV] 1.4 Services Daemon
Philippe Raxhon
- [JDEV] A "sniffer" component
Philippe Raxhon
- [JDEV] A "sniffer" component
Philippe Raxhon
- [JDEV] The logger cc and presence bcc in 1.4.2
Philippe Raxhon
- [JDEV] The logger cc and presence bcc in 1.4.2
Philippe Raxhon
- [JDEV] XDB_SQL>XML & Jabber.xml Help
Satish Reddy
- [JDEV] hello xdb_sql configuration
Satish Reddy
- [JDEV] Jabber Applet
Satish Reddy
- [JDEV] WAP Jabber Client
Satish Reddy
- [JDEV] any PHP Clinet ?
Satish Reddy
- [JDEV] WAP JAbber
Satish Reddy
- [JDEV] Concurrent Users
Satish Reddy
- [JDEV] msn transport
Satish Reddy
- [JDEV] mod_groups examples
John Reinke
- [JDEV] Modifying mod_group rosters with perl
John Reinke
- [JDEV] ANN : FLAIM - a Flash IM client
- [JDEV] ANN : FLAIM - a Flash IM client
- [JDEV] XDB_SQL & transports
Rodrigo Roman
- [JDEV] RV: [jadmin] MSN with 1.4.2
Rodrigo Roman
- [JDEV] dpsm
Rodrigo Roman
- [JDEV] dpsm
Rodrigo Roman
- [JDEV] jpolld build question
Rodrigo Roman
- [JDEV] diferent XDBs for diferent purposes
Rodrigo Roman
- [JDEV] MSN Transport - xdb_sql source code?
Rodrigo Roman
- [JDEV] problem building libxode
Rodrigo Roman
- [JDEV] 1.4.2 -- problems
Michael Rothwell
- [JDEV] ICQv7 Transport and hourly presence update
Alexandre N. Safiullin
- [JDEV] Newbie question - SMS transport
Alexandre N. Safiullin
- [JDEV] Flash IM client
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] transports
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Jabber/Physics Research
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Docs on the XDB element ?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Unregister with Transports
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] presence messages
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Re: Unregister with MSN Transport
Peter Saint-Andre
Peter Saint-Andre
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Open IM (was Jabber Transports - New Architecture)
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Winpopup compatibility, multiple recipients
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Winpopup compatibility, multiple recipients
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] vCard DTD?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Re: Protocol Change
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] What commercial client libraries are available?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Any jabber client/server developers at the IETF Minneapolis
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] any PHP Clinet ?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] About msn transport
Viraj Samaranayake
- [JDEV] help
Viraj Samaranayake
- [JDEV] msn transport configuration
Viraj Samaranayake
- [JDEV] Jabberd in Startup on Linux
Mike Sassak
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] JECL library for Win32
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Jabber Applet
David Scott
- [JDEV] On Privacy/Invisibility (aka: Buddy Permit/Deny)
Jean Louis Seguineau
- [JDEV] On Privacy/Invisibility (aka: Buddy Permit/Deny)
Jean Louis Seguineau
- [JDEV] On Privacy/Invisibility (aka: Buddy Permit/Deny)
Jean Louis Seguineau
- [JDEV] On Privacy/Invisibility (aka: Buddy Permit/Deny)
Jim Seymour
- [JDEV] On Privacy/Invisibility (aka: Buddy Permit/Deny)
Jim Seymour
- [JDEV] On Privacy/Invisibility (aka: Buddy Permit/Deny)
Jim Seymour
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
Jim Seymour
- [JDEV] Any jabber client/server developers at the IETF Minneapolis
Duncan Shannon
- [JDEV] Newbie: c2s SSL
Duncan Shannon
- [JDEV] Question on using NIO with SAX
Iain Shigeoka
- [JDEV] JECL and Address resolution
Ralph Siemsen
- [JDEV] Putting Jabberd in Startup on Linux
Ralph Siemsen
- [JDEV] Council Meeting
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] Jabber/Physics Research
Reggie Smith
- [JDEV] Jabber/Physics Research
Reggie Smith
- [JDEV] One more thing...
Reggie Smith
- [JDEV] Capturing user logoff
Glen Starchman
- [JDEV] vCard DTD?
Mike Szczerban
- [JDEV] New Jabber SMTP-T Release
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] xdb_sql ( mysql ) & Yahoo Transport
bhkwan at
- [JDEV] NetMeeting Support In Jabber Client
Melvin Tucker
- [JDEV] NetMeeting Support In Jabber Client
Melvin Tucker
- [JDEV] How To Configure A Jabber Client To Use Port 80
Melvin Tucker
- [JDEV] How To Get A Remote Jabber Clients IP
Melvin Tucker
- [JDEV] Looking To Hire Jabber Client Developer For Contract Work
Melvin Tucker
- [JDEV] Help needed - PLEASE!
- [JDEV] icqv7 core dumps on external part ?
- [JDEV] Docs on the XDB element ?
David Waite
- [JDEV] s2s SSL
David Waite
- [JDEV] Building jabberd 1.4.2 on SCO OpenServer 5.0.6
David Waite
- [JDEV] vs. commercial Jabber structure
David Waite
- [JDEV] JECL library for Win32
David Waite
- [JDEV] Question on using NIO with SAX
David Waite
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy
David Waite
- [JDEV] icqv7 core dumps on external part ?
David Waite
- [JDEV] icqv7 core dumps on external part ?
David Waite
- [JDEV] icqv7 core dumps on external part ?
David Waite
- [JDEV] Message distribution?
Captain Wasted
- [JDEV] Gabber for Solaris
Michael Weiser
- [JDEV] Gabber for Solaris
Michael Weiser
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
James Widman
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
James Widman
- [JDEV] server question
James Widman
- [JDEV] S2S autentication and encryption using OpenSSL's TLS [was: s2s SS L]
Steve Wilhelm
- [JDEV] S2S authentication and encryption using OpenSSL's TLS [was: s2s S SL] (fixed typo)
Steve Wilhelm
- [JDEV] Multiple Domains
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Yahoo Transport
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Yahoo With Jabber
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] illgal character in yahoo message
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] fatal bug in mod_filter design causing jabberd problems
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Any jabber client/server developers at the IETF Minneapolis
Klaus H. Wolf
- [JDEV] Newbie question - SMS transport
Kimberly Woods
- [JDEV] question on running ECHO component
Dong Yan
- [JDEV] question on scm
Dong Yan
- [JDEV] RE: jdev digest, Vol 1 #1300 - 2 msgs
Dong Yan
- [JDEV] JECL library for Win32
Dong Yan
- [JDEV] RE: JECL library for Win32
Dong Yan
- [JDEV] Unregister with Transports
Amarnath Yara
- [JDEV] Re: Unregister with MSN Transport
Amarnath Yara
- [JDEV] Renaming Jabber Server to FQDN - Problem
Amarnath Yara
- [JDEV] Max number of users....revisted!
Jeremey Zela
- [JDEV] problems about xdb_sql
Zu Zhihui
- [JDEV] problems about xdb_sql
Zu Zhihui
- [JDEV] bugs
gaur chokhany
- [JDEV] About msn transport
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] jabberd and Proxies
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] bugs
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] hello xdb_sql configuration
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] problems about xdb_sql
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] SAX Parsing and server headers
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] Users cannot reconnect after the jabberd is restarted
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] Capturing user logoff
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] Capturing user logoff
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] msn transport configuration
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] Dynamic Creation of Users in Jabber Server
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] Dynamic Creation of Users in Jabber Server
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] Problem using jabberd server
raditha dissanayake
- [JDEV] A Jabber 'client deamon'
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy and looking for M$ Windows client
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy and looking for M$ Windows client
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy and looking for M$ Windows client
- [JDEV] Jabber Advocacy and looking for M$ Windows client
- [JDEV] Groups managing
- [JDEV] Re: [oob-jig] voice chat and video chat
ryutaroh at
- [JDEV] Renaming Jabber Server to FQDN - Problem
admin at
- [JDEV] Re: AIM-t crashes, was: Jabber Advocacy
admin at
- [JDEV] icqv7 core dumps on external part ?
admin at
- [JDEV] help
vikas jain
- [JDEV] illgal character in yahoo message
anand joglekar
- [JDEV] Client Connection Manager
prasanta lenka
- [JDEV] SSL port to jabber
jabber at
- [JDEV] 1.4 Services Daemon
- [JDEV] Docs on the XDB element ?
philippe.raxhon at
- [JDEV] webjab
ochantrel at
- [JDEV] Re: [JDEV] webjab
ochantrel at
- [JDEV] Re: [JDEV] webjab
ochantrel at
- [JDEV] authtication issue
mike pablo
- [JDEV] SAX Parsing and server headers
migs paraz
- [JDEV] SAX Parsing and server headers
migs paraz
- [JDEV] What commercial client libraries are available?
migs paraz
- [JDEV] JabberApplet - anyone got latest code working?
jsiegle at
- [JDEV] Dynamic User Creation in Jabber
- [JDEV] Dynamic Creation of Users in Jabber Server
- [JDEV] Dynamic Creation of Users in Jabber Server
- [JDEV] msn transport
- [JDEV] Jabberd in Startup on Linux
- [JDEV] (no subject)
bhask soft
- [JDEV]
bhask soft
- [JDEV] upgrading to jabber-1.4.2
shashidhar sriramkumar
- [JDEV] SSL port to jabber
vishi at
- [JDEV] Jabber Transports - New Architecture
holger at
- [JDEV] Shutdown problem of colinjab
surve vijay
Last message date:
Sun Mar 31 23:55:57 CST 2002
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 09:39:55 CST 2009
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