[JDEV] Jabberd in Startup on Linux

Michel Oosterbeek oosterbeek.mah at stu.hsbrabant.nl
Thu Mar 28 03:49:46 CST 2002


It didn't get me there yet, but it gave me an indication on where the real
problem seems to be.
On startup I got this message:

/opt/jabber-1.4.1/jabberd/jabberd: error while loading shared libraries:
libpth.so.14: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So the problem wasn't in the scripts, something else is wrong... Strange
though, I can manually start jabberd without any problems.


-----Original message-----
Van: jdev-admin at jabber.org [mailto:jdev-admin at jabber.org]Namens Mike
Verzonden: donderdag 28 maart 2002 1:04
Aan: jdev at jabber.org
Onderwerp: Re: [JDEV] Jabberd in Startup on Linux

The following 'old-fashioned way' won't get you the convenience of using
'chkconfig', 'service', etc. but it does work.

Just add these two lines to the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local:

echo "Starting Jabber..."
/path/to/jabberd &

The above is quite optimistic - it doesn't check to see whether the
server crashed - 'cos if it did jabber won't start until you delete the
jabber.pid file. So I wouldn't do it this way on a production server,
but it is a quick fix.


On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 05:44, Michel Oosterbeek wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm using Jabber 1.4.1 with Red Hat 7.2 and I have been trying to get
> Jabberd to fire up on startup, but so far my attempts were unsuccessful.
> Recently I read some messages of other people here, who were having the
> problem. Some scripts were offered, and I decided to give them a try, but
> something strange is happening. So if the writer of these scrips is
> this, please give me some advice?
>  ...
> Now, on startup, I see the script is called: "Starting jabberd... [OK]",
> when I check it, there's nothing running at all. Though when I try to run
> the script myself it works fine. So why won't it do that on startup?
> Thanks,
> Michel
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