[JDEV] RESOLVED Building jabberd 1.4.2 on SCO, plus a Makefile "bug"

Glen glen at ldscn.com
Wed Mar 13 22:36:04 CST 2002

Regarding my problem with building jabber on SCO..
        > fatal error: relocations remain against allocatable but
		non-writable section: .text

David wrote:

        I think -fPIC will solve your woes.
        -David Waite

David -

Thanks!  And I found another, much less elegant way to deal with it:

make static

I have to send my compliments to the Jabber team!  You guys wrote some
great code!  It only took me moments to figure out how to hook in the
JUD and Conference services to load.c, and include them in my static
build.  I now have a static jabber server with JUD and Conference running
just fine on SCO!

Other than that, only one "bug," if you could call it that.

In the main makefile on jabberd-1.4.2, you have lines that look like this:

      export ISSINGLE=1; \

      export ISSTATIC=1; \

My system, which wants to run /bin/sh as its default shell, barfed on this,
so I changed the Makefile to read as follows:

      ISSINGLE=1; \
      export ISSINGLE; \

      ISSTATIC=1; \
      export ISSTATIC; \

This let everything build just fine.

Thanks again!


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