[JDEV] A Jabber 'client deamon'
Jan Fabry
jan.fabry at vsknet.be
Tue Mar 26 10:18:33 CST 2002
I'll try to explain my idea, but feel free to ask questions if anything
is unclear!
I was thinking about some sort of 'client deamon' for Jabber. The
situation I'm confronted with is the following:
I have a website running MyPHPNuke (a Content Management System -
visitors can enter news, which I then review and eventually post on the
page - in some ways similar to Slashdot). Every time someone enters a
new news item, I would like to be notified of this. Jabber seems like a
good way to do this.
However, there is a problem. Every time I want to send a message, a
connection to Jabber should be open. I can do this with Perl, but I
still need to sleep() some time, because I'm waiting for the Jabber
server to respond. When the connection is open, I can send my message.
After this, the connection is closed, and the page can finish loading.
Schematic view:
1. User submits new story
2. Server starts new process to handle this request
3. Server process opens connection to Jabber server
4. Server process sends message
5. Server process closes connection to Jabber server
6. Server process returns page to user
Can you see the problem? Steps 3 and 5 should be avoidable.
My suggestion is:
At boot time, some sort of 'client deamon' is started, and it logs in to
the Jabber server. When I want a PHP script to send a message to me, it
only does a small call to some application, that then connects to the
daemon to send it.
Maybe there this should work in two ways: I can send a message to 'the
machine', to execute some task.
I'm sorry if all this sounds confusing, but I don't know how to explain
it otherwise.
Jan Fabry
Vlaamse Scholierenkoepel vzw
Paleizenstraat 90
1030 Brussel
02-215 32 29
02-215 41 78 (fax)
info at vsknet.be
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