[JDEV] New Jabber SMTP-T Release

Adam Theo theo at theoretic.com
Thu Mar 21 14:36:09 CST 2002

Hello, everyone, Adam Theo here.

I would like to announce a pre-release of the latest SMTP Transport. It
is currently just in JabberStudio CVS, but within the next week will be
tarballed into version 1.10.

It is entirely written in Perl5 and requires a number of Perl modules.
It does not need superuser access, but can drop down to a normal user
anyway. It uses INET sockets. It can receive MIME email attachments and
save them locally, passing HTTP links to them in the Jabber messages.

Can be found at http://www.jabberstudio.org/projects/view.php?id=14
The CVS Project name is "theoretic-smtp" at JabberStudio.org

The documentation still needs work, but the basics are there, and it
will be alot better over the coming days, due to my documentation fetish

Feel free to download the CVS JabberSMTP and try it out. Expect to run
into documentation problems, but the code should work fine. Tell me what
needs improving, and I'll do it, crediting you for the pointer.

Thanks, all.

    /\  Adam Theo, Age 22, Tallahassee FL USA
   //\\   Email & Jabber: theo at theoretic.com
  //  \\    MSN: theo at theoretic.com   YIM: adamtheo2
=//====\\=  (Boycotting AOL, therefore no AIM or ICQ)
//  ||  \\  Theoretic Solutions: http://www.theoretic.com
    ||         "Bringing Ideas Together"
    ||      Jabber Protocol: http://www.jabber.org
    ||         "The Coolest IM on the Planet"
    ||  "A Free-Market Socialist Patriotic American Buddhist"

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