[JDEV] Jabber Advocacy and looking for M$ Windows client

Rico -mc- Gloeckner jdev at ukeer.de
Sat Mar 30 11:58:44 CST 2002

On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 11:28:42AM -0600, dman wrote:
> [...]    In
> the page that links to, explain how to register with a jabber server,
> and provide a list of public servers (or link to the list).

One could simply provide a Form which creates Configfiles. It would be
cool if a Standard perl Script would be in the Dist of jabberd which
one just could "put on" his webserver and then let users create accounts
via a webinterface.

> I do have trouble starting the daemon on my system.  First, it doesn't
> fork like daemons ought to.  As a result, the init script must put it
> in the backgrounds.  Due to that, the init script has no way of
> knowing if the daemon started successfully or not and reporting
> failures.

I usually use screen (not having jabberd in the Default Startup, though.)

> Third, I have no idea why the initscript fails because if I run
> 'jabberd' on the command line it works just fine.

Sounds like the typical libpthread Problem.

> [...]  I've heard WinJab
> mentioned a lot.  I briefly saw it once.  Personally I don't like the
> way the GUI is organized.  I like the tradional style of having a
> tall, narrow, window with just the contact list and then having a
> separate window for chats.  What windows client(s) do people
> recommend?

Personally, under Windows i prefer PSI. Its not as feature-blown as
other Jabber Clients, but it does its Job and is small and nifty ;^)
For the colorloving Users, there is Rival Messenger, maybe even Exodus,
which has a bit new UI (tho can run in classical WinJab Look).


| Rico -mc- Gloeckner |   <rico at gloeckner.info>   | {ICQ:99798577} |
| http://www.ukeer.de | mc (at) irc.tu-ilmenau.de | <mc at na.sow.as> |
| Jabber: mc at micq.org |                                          :wq

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