[JDEV] Open IM (was Jabber Transports - New Architecture)

Jonathan Augenstine jaugenstine at jambotech.com
Wed Mar 13 12:21:08 CST 2002

I thought that it was time for me to throw in my two cents worth.

I am relatively new to Jabber.  I have used IM for several years now on
Yahoo.  I recently (in January) tried setting up an account on Jabber
(jabber.org) and was successfully communicating with colleagues who were
on Yahoo.  Then apparently Yahoo started blocking Jabber.  I was forced
to go back to Yahoo.

The reason that I originally started investigating Jabber was for use as
a server for routing messages between distributed applications.  I work
for a telecommunications company and we liked the idea of having an open
source messaging solution with the capability of handling the Internet
and firewalls.  Plus we get all of the really cool features that come
with Jabber - IM, presence, etc.

My point is that while I understand that Jabber got its' start in IM I
believe that an overly narrow focus on that one capability falls far
short of the potential that exists with Jabber and hence the real draw
(more people using Jabber) and value (revenue being generated) that
exists.  I believe that some of the initiatives that I see in the
infancy (i.e. - XML-RPC/SOAP over Jabber and PubSub routing) are what
will eventually be the real driving force behind Jabber.  You can get
into a spitting contest with Yahoo and AOL but I believe, IMHO, that the
IM route is not were success will be found.  I think to aim at being
just another IM outfit is to aim too low.

Just one opinion among many.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Saint-Andre [mailto:stpeter at jabber.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 9:05 PM
To: jdev at jabber.org
Subject: Re: [JDEV] Open IM (was Jabber Transports - New Architecture)

On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Ashvil wrote:

> > I feel it's becoming obvious that the only way Jabber will have any 
> > impact in the IM world is to grow fast enough and big enough that 
> > other IM systems have to sit up and take notice. So what do we need 
> > to do in order to grow that fast and become that ubiquitous?
> I agree 100%.
> Peter - Can you post this question on JabberCentral, so that we can 
> get end user feedback on what features will make users switch to 
> Jabber.

I just posted a new poll at JabberCentral, hopefully we'll get some good


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