[JDEV] Putting Jabberd in Startup on Linux

Ralph Siemsen ralphs at blueairnetworks.com
Tue Mar 12 10:10:40 CST 2002

Gunjan Kakani wrote:

> Now, i want to start the Jabberd when my linux server boots? How do I 
> put Jabberd on Linux startup? Since, it leaves jabber.pid file when 
> closing the server, I have to manually delete it as of now? Can anyone 
> point me to right resource to handle this?
Benjamin Reed did a really nice job at packaging the Jabber server, 
including a suitable start/stop script for RedHat.  It could be readily 
adapted for other distributions.

See his message to this list from 02/21/2002 ("New Jabber RPMs") or get 
it from ftp://ftp.scenespot.org/rpms/redhat-7.2/ (both i386 and src).


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