[JDEV] On Privacy/Invisibility (aka: Buddy Permit/Deny)

Jim Seymour jseymour at LinxNet.com
Mon Mar 11 12:54:53 CST 2002

"Peter Millard" <me at pgmillard.com> wrote:
> Jim -
> For those of us not some intimately familiar with the AIM client, perhaps
> you could explain in more "jabber-ish" terms what these modes mean. Are they
> "presence modes" (ie, determining who gets you presence info) or "message
> modes" where you can determine who can send you messages??

I *think* they're both.  I'm not much familiar with AIM clients
myself.  I do know that when you deny or not-allow someone, they 
can no longer "see" you.

> More comments inline below:

Likewise :-)

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jim Seymour" <jseymour at linxnet.com>
> >
> > This seems to duplicate/trump/obsolete/whatever, JEP-0016, in a way?
> Not at all.. Blacklisting + Whitelisting are VERY different from invisible
> mode. JEP 16 deals with how clients can control what packets the server
> (jabberd) delivers to it. JEP 18 deals with how the user can control WHO can
> see them online (their availability information).

Ok.  (I may have more thoughts on this later.  I need go cogitate on it
a bit.)

> > As you might imagine, I'm wondering what to think of all this.
> >
> > Lastly, in any event, it seems to me the client code will have to know
> > what version of the server it's dealing with so it can know what is
> > supported and what is not.  (E.g.: 1.4.1 won't support "invisible,"
> > 1.4.2 does.)  Is there a way to fetch the server's release level?
> Servers that do NOT support invisible mode will return a presence error.
> This is pretty easy for the client to trap and then send a normal
> "available" packet and notify the user that the server doesn't support
> invisible mode. You can try this against any 1.4.1 or JCS install.

I was thinking of just not "trying it" on servers that don't support
it.  Call it "bandwidth conservation" ;-).

> Hope this helps.

It does.  Thanks.

Jim Seymour                  | PGP Public Key available at:
jseymour at LinxNet.com         | http://www.uk.pgp.net/pgpnet/pks-commands.html
http://jimsun.LinxNet.com    |

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