[JDEV] Help needed - PLEASE!

DJ Adams dj.adams at pobox.com
Mon Mar 11 11:43:00 CST 2002

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 11:54:16AM -0500, Vernon wrote:
> I have posted repeatedly to the conference room and it seems as if either 
> no one knows the answer or no one wants to respond (hope I didn't over 
> extend my welcome). In any event I cannot seem to get the conference 
> rooms to work any where but internally. 
> When I try to get to conference.jabber.org I cannot. Nor can I use the 
> find option, all of which returns a 502 error message, Server not found, 
> which doesn't make any sense to me since I can telnet from the box to 
> that server, I can also telnet externally into the box through port 5269, 
> the jabber.xml is fine as I use in on another box that I setup and it 
> works there. I also get the same error message when I try to use the MSN 
> or icq transports.
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I have now been working on this 
> same problem for nearly a week.

Ok, I may have missed some questions/answers on this already, so sorry
if this is repeat stuff...

Are you trying to get to conferencing.jabber.org from a client connected
to jabber.org or connected to your.own.server?

If the latter, can your server see / connect to any external Jabber

If so, is it just a conference room join that's not happening, or
can't you do a (e.g.) version query on the conferencing component

If you're connecting from your own server, are there any clues
in the debug logs?


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