August 2002 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Aug 1 00:19:27 CDT 2002
Ending: Sat Aug 31 20:34:23 CDT 2002
Messages: 377
- [JDEV] Presence Indication and Jabber Server
Nishi.. (Nishanth)
- [JDEV] Jabberbeans questions/comments
- [JDEV] Requesting a roster
Jean-Louis Seguineau /EXC/TEC
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Jean-Louis Seguineau /EXC/TEC
- [JDEV] Re:Creating a presence server component?
Jean-Louis Seguineau /EXC/TEC
- [JDEV] re: Regarding adding Voice support in Jabber Client.
Mike Albon
- [JDEV] character encoding in jabber protocol
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] XML test library
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] character encoding in jabber protocol
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] which lib contains g_str_hash
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] look for help about unicode in jabber system
Andreas Ames
- [JDEV] Subscriptions to non-existent addresses
Jason Anderson
- [JDEV] Java JabberBeans and SSL certificates
Jason Anderson
- [JDEV] JUD having problems loading global.xdb info after server restart. ..
Jason Anderson
- [JDEV] Java JabberBeans and SSL certificates
Jason Anderson
- [JDEV] Re: Java JabberBeans and SSL certificates
Jason Anderson
- [JDEV] Re: Java JabberBeans and SSL certificates
Jason Anderson
- [JDEV] user is typing a message message
P. Mark Anderson
- [JDEV] client support for composing message
P. Mark Anderson
- [JDEV] CDATA in messages
Jens Askengren
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
Jonathan Augenstine
- [JDEV] Unable to resolve host name. error [502]
Zulfiqar Baig
- [JDEV] jabberCom - but for Server
Niels Berglund
- [JDEV] jabberCom - but for Server
Niels Berglund
- [JDEV] Alternatives to xdb_file
Joe Breeden
- [JDEV] Alternatives to xdb_file
Joe Breeden
- [JDEV] "Lotus sametime" = really another IM system in this world?
Michael Brown
- [JDEV] JUD having problems loading global.xdb file upon server restart.. .
CROSSWHITE,JOHN (Non-HP-Corvallis,ex1)
- [JDEV] RE: JUD having problems loading global.xdb file upon server resta rt...
CROSSWHITE,JOHN (Non-HP-Corvallis,ex1)
- [JDEV] JUD having problems loading global.xdb info after server restart. ..
CROSSWHITE,JOHN (Non-HP-Corvallis,ex1)
- [JDEV] icqv7-t in FreeBSD?
Dougal Campbell
- [JDEV] icqv7-t in FreeBSD?
Dougal Campbell
- [JDEV] icqv7-t in FreeBSD?
Dougal Campbell
- [JDEV] Emoticons...
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] Emoticons...
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] MSN groupchat: does it work somewhere?
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] MSN groupchat: does it work somewhere?
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] Dutch Jabber Advocacy
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] SIMP = open source concurrent for Jabber?
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] "Lotus sametime" = really another IM system in this world?
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] "Lotus sametime" = really another IM system in this world?
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] "Lotus sametime" = really another IM system in this world?
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] SIMP = open source concurrent for Jabber?
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] JEP038 (emoticon spec) : file extension
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] JEP038 (emoticon spec): is a transport tag really necessary?
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] JEP038 (emoticon spec) : file extension
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] JEP038 (emoticon spec) : file extension
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] Bots and Privacy => problem?
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] Bots and Privacy => problem?
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] 'Lotus sametime' = really another IM system in this world?
Larry Cannell
- [JDEV] 'Lotus sametime' = really another IM system in this world?
Larry Cannell
- [JDEV] 'Lotus sametime' = really another IM system in this world?
Larry Cannell
- [2] [JDEV] "Lotus sametime" = really another IM system in this world?
Larry Cannell
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
Timothy Carpenter
- [JDEV] look for help about unicode in jabber system
Timothy Carpenter
- [JDEV] look for help about unicode in jabber system
Timothy Carpenter
- [JDEV] Integrating Jabber into our existing instant messaging architecture
Gary Chan
- [JDEV] Jabber SSL implementation
Gary Chan
- [JDEV] Jabber Browsing
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] Using JabberCOM to set private data on the server
Richard Clippard
- [JDEV] Jabberd 1.4.2 redirect and alias
JJ Coder
- [JDEV] Jabberd 1.4.2 redirect and alias
JJ Coder
- [JDEV] Whiteboard
Abe Cofnas/Learn4x
- [JDEV] yahoo t issue
Paul Curtis
- [JDEV] yahoo t issue
Paul Curtis
- [JDEV] Yahoo Transport 2 problem
Paul Curtis
- Dynamic DNS Updates (was Re: [JDEV] Custom messages/extensions)
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
- [JDEV] look for help about unicode in jabber system
- [JDEV] look for help about unicode in jabber system
- [JDEV] Fw: International Dating Etiquette
- [JDEV] CDATA in messages
- [JDEV] JX DNS Record?
Chris Davies
- [JDEV] Quick show of hands: Anyone doing jabber client dev in Ruby?
Russell Davis
- [JDEV] Using the <exec/> tag with Perl scripts ?
Benoit Decaudin
- [JDEV] Re: Help with Jabber-1.4.2 and MySQL backend
Benoit Decaudin
- [JDEV] Emoticons...
Sebastiaan 'CBAS' Deckers
- [JDEV] Jabber-SMTP Message Board
Ray Deininger
- [JDEV] karma and rate limiting...
Mark Derricutt
- [JDEV] JabberBeans ConnectionListener
Mark Derricutt
- [JDEV] RE: JabberBeans ConnectionListener
Mark Derricutt
- [JDEV] "Lotus sametime" = really another IM system in this world?
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] 'Lotus sametime' = really another IM system in this world?
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] message ordering
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] Jabber Server Farming HOW-TO
Ryan Eatmon
- [JDEV] Java JabberBeans and SSL certificates
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
Gallo, Felix S.
- [JDEV] http proxy support
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] http proxy support
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] http proxy support
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] [Jabberzilla] seeking experienced jabber developer
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] ip address and resource
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] ip address and resource
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] yahoo transport-2 problems
Justin Georgeson
- [JDEV] Jabber Palm
Sami Haahtinen
- [JDEV] Jabber Palm
Sami Haahtinen
- [JDEV] JEP038 (emoticon spec) : file extension
Sami Haahtinen
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
Sami Haahtinen
- [JDEV] JEP038 (emoticon spec) : file extension
Sami Haahtinen
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
Sami Haahtinen
- [JDEV] client support for composing message
Sami Haahtinen
- [JDEV] Re: [jabberd] Reg-Jabberd not listening on port 5222
Piers Harding
- [JDEV] Contract Job Opportunity in Austin, TX
Hayes, Chris
- [JDEV] Bots and Privacy => problem?
Joe Hildebrand
- [JDEV] CDATA in messages
Joe Hildebrand
- [JDEV] CDATA in messages
Joe Hildebrand
Dave Hodson
- [JDEV] JX DNS Record?
Paul Holman
- [JDEV] Re:[standards-jig] Invisibility Support in Jabber
Tijl Houtbeckers
- [2] [JDEV] "Lotus sametime" = really another IM system in this world?
Tijl Houtbeckers
- [JDEV] message ordering
Duncan Hoyle
- [JDEV] imbedding in web site
Mark Jones
- [JDEV] Funky crash today
Justin Karneges
- [JDEV] Funky crash today
Justin Karneges
- [JDEV] Stream Negotiation Protocol
Justin Karneges
- [JDEV] JID Stream (was: Stream Negotiation Protocol)
Justin Karneges
- Dynamic DNS Updates (was Re: [JDEV] Custom messages/extensions)
Katz, Dov (Lists/Junk Mail)
- [JDEV] Funky crash today
Justin Kirby
- [JDEV] Virus
Justin Kirby
- [JDEV] Advocacy Project Announcement
Justin Kirby
- [JDEV] IRC Client in Jabber
- [JDEV] Re: [JBDevel] adding handlers for other namespaces/extensions
Jiri Komzak
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
- [JDEV] Does Yahoo transport still work...
Bharath Kumar
- [JDEV] connection killed between the component and the server
Schweizer Laurent
- [JDEV] Java StartTLS
Michael F Lin
- [JDEV] "Lotus sametime" = really another IM system in this world?
Michael F Lin
- [JDEV] Jpolld location
Tran Quoc Long
- [JDEV] Maximum concurrent users of Jabber
Tran Quoc Long
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
Jeremy Lunn
- [JDEV] JECL question
Glenn MacGregor
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
James MacMillan
- [JDEV] user is typing a message message
James MacMillan
- [JDEV] client support for composing message
James MacMillan
- [JDEV] list of services provided by jabber server
James MacMillan
- [JDEV] [Jabberzilla] seeking experienced jabber developer
Remberto Magbanua
- [JDEV] yahoo t issue
Nathan J. Mehl
- [JDEV] yahoo t issue
Nathan J. Mehl
- [JDEV] "Jabber mailing lists"?
Ralph Meijer
- [JDEV] Jabber security certificate (PEM File)
Menzi, Hans
- [JDEV] Help with Jabber-1.4.2 and MySQL backend
Menzi, Hans
- [JDEV] Re: Help with Jabber-1.4.2 and MySQL backend
Menzi, Hans
- [JDEV] Yahoo Transport 2 problem
Menzi, Hans
- [JDEV] Yahoo Transport 2 problem
Menzi, Hans
- [JDEV] 'Lotus sametime' = really another IM system in this world?
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Chinese/Japanese char support in jabber
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Source of JabberCOm
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] message ordering
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] client support for composing message
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] "Jabber mailing lists"?
Mike Mintz
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
Mike Mintz
- [JDEV] Emoticons - Alt Tag
Mike Mintz
- [JDEV] character encoding in jabber protocol
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Funky crash today
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] help - unsubscribe me.
Moore, Beau
- [JDEV] conference presence issue
Wes Morgan
- [JDEV] conference presence issue
Wes Morgan
- [JDEV] RVP transport (M$ exchange messenger)
Martin Mrvka
- [JDEV] RVP transport (M$ exchange messenger)
Martin Mrvka
- [JDEV] Jpolld location
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] jabber with jpolld
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Need help on sending message to ICQ and MSN users
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Two presence packets
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Jabber Browsing
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Jabber SSL implementation
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] karma and rate limiting...
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Transport readiness
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] New JabberStudio Live!
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] ip address and resource
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] http proxy support
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] http proxy support
Hiroaki Nakamura
- [JDEV] yahoo t issue
Jeremy Nickurak
- [JDEV] Help! jabberd 1.4.2 coredumping!!!
Alex Nikolayew
- [JDEV] Funky crash today
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] Funky crash today
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] Funky crash today
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] Building mod_auth_jabber against apache 1.3.26
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] Error in XML Parsing through HTTP Proxy
Vincent Ong
- [JDEV] RE: Error in XML Parsing through HTTP Proxy
Vincent Ong
- [JDEV] Registering with gateways
Vincent Ong
- [JDEV] Need help on sending message to ICQ and MSN users
Vincent Ong
- [JDEV] DTD for server config
Vitaly Ostanin
- [JDEV] XML part of jabberd
Vitaly Ostanin
- [JDEV] Bots and Privacy => problem?
Yao Peng
- [JDEV] Jabber Client
Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel
- [JDEV] How I can get all online users ?
Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel
- [JDEV] xdb_mysql question
- [JDEV] xdb_mysql question
- [JDEV] xdb_mysql question
- [JDEV] Problem : Perl + Accented Characters
Sylvinus Prodi
- [JDEV] Minor notes about JabberTest
Dustin Puryear
- [JDEV] aim-transport make error
Julio David Quintana
- [JDEV] aim-transport make error
Julio David Quintana
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Philippe Raxhon
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Philippe Raxhon
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Philippe Raxhon
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Philippe Raxhon
- [JDEV] Re:Creating a presence server component?
Philippe Raxhon
- [JDEV] Re:Creating a presence server component?
Philippe Raxhon
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Sylvain Roberdeau
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Sylvain Roberdeau
- [JDEV] JECL : Samples projects?
Sylvain Roberdeau
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Sylvain Roberdeau
- [JDEV] JECL : Samples Projects
Sylvain Roberdeau
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Sylvain Roberdeau
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Sylvain Roberdeau
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Sylvain Roberdeau
- [JDEV] Re:Creating a presence server component?
Sylvain Roberdeau
- [JDEV] Re:Creating a presence server component?
Sylvain Roberdeau
- [JDEV] Registering users by Java
Javier Rodriguez
- [JDEV] Advocacy Project Announcement
Ragavan S
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
Ricardo SIGNES
- [JDEV] JEP-0034 (SASL Integration)
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Source of JabberCOm
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] jabberCom - but for Server
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] tomorrow's discussion agenda
Peter Saint-Andre
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] [DotGNU]Linus: Kernel Development No Longer Legal (fwd)
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] How I can get all registered users ?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] How I can get all registered users ?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] How I can get all registered users ?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] How I can get all online users ?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Integrity Messenger
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Problems with umlauts in account password?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] list of services provided by jabber server
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Compile jpolld false in Cygwin
Nguyen Minh Sang
- [JDEV] Java StartTLS
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Emoticons...
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Quick show of hands: Anyone doing jabber client dev in Ruby?
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] icqv7-t in FreeBSD?
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Question on DSPS "stream peer listing"
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Question on DSPS "stream peer listing"
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] icqv7-t in FreeBSD?
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Flash support in the server (was: JNG Ramblings.)
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] 'Lotus sametime' = really another IM system in this world?
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] JECL question
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] Reg-Jabberd not listening on port 5222
- [JDEV] RVP transport (M$ exchange messenger)
- [JDEV] Java versions and jsse
Iain Shigeoka
- [JDEV] Advocacy Project Announcement
Iain Shigeoka
- [JDEV] Quick show of hands: Anyone doing jabber client dev in Ruby?
Christopher Smith
- [JDEV] Funky crash today
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] RVP transport (M$ exchange messenger)
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] Fw: International Dating Etiquette
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] How I can get all registered users ?
Eric Smith
- [JDEV] How I can get all online users ?
Eric Smith
- [JDEV] Regarding adding Voice support in Jabber Client
Ulrich Staudinger
- [JDEV] Regarding adding Voice support in Jabber Client
- [JDEV] How I can get all registered users ?
Pavel Stoliarov
- [JDEV] How I can get all registered users ?
Pavel Stoliarov
- [JDEV] conference presence issue
David Sutton
- [JDEV] Emoticons...
- [JDEV] Emoticons...
- [JDEV] Emoticons...
- [JDEV] Emoticons...
- [JDEV] Emoticons...
- [JDEV] Emoticons...
- [JDEV] Emoticons - Alt Tag
- [JDEV] Emoticons - Alt Tag
- [JDEV] Any W3C XML Schema experts in the house?
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] JEP038 (emoticon spec) : file extension
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] JEP038 (emoticon spec) : file extension
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] JEP038 (emoticon spec): is a transport tag really necessary?
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] jabber with jpolld
Tran Vu Truc
- [JDEV] jabber with jpolld
Tran Vu Truc
- [JDEV] Transport readiness
Luke Tucker
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Anantha Krishnan V
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Anantha Krishnan V
- [JDEV] Creating a presence server component?
Anantha Krishnan V
- [JDEV] Jabber-SMTP Message Board
Anantha Krishnan V
- [JDEV] Jabber-SMTP Message Board
Anantha Krishnan V
- [JDEV] Jabber Palm
Dr. Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] Jabber Palm
Dr. Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] "Lotus sametime" = really another IM system in this world?
Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] Regarding adding Voice support in Jabber Client
Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] xdb_mysql question
Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] xdb_mysql question
Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] xdb_mysql question
Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] Problem : Perl + Accented Characters
David Waite
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
David Waite
- [JDEV] CDATA in messages
David Waite
- [JDEV] CDATA in messages
David Waite
- [JDEV] client support for composing message
Nathan Walp
- [JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent
Mark Wilcox
- [JDEV] Bots and Privacy => problem?
Mark Wilcox
- [JDEV] jabberCom - but for Server
Mark Wilcox
- [JDEV] JX DNS Record?
Mark Wilcox
- [JDEV] Fw: International Dating Etiquette
Glenn Willen
- [JDEV] re: Regarding adding Voice support in Jabber Client.
Stephen D. Williams
- [JDEV] Requesting a roster
Emma Willis
- [JDEV] Registering with gateways
Emma Willis
- [JDEV] Subscriptions to non-existent addresses
Emma Willis
- [JDEV] Jabber security certificate (PEM File)
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Error in XML Parsing through HTTP Proxy
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] RE: Error in XML Parsing through HTTP Proxy
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] libxode-1.2 and libjabber-1.2
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] MSN groupchat: does it work somewhere?
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] character encoding in jabber protocol
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] character encoding in jabber protocol
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Funky crash today
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Funky crash today
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Java JabberBeans and SSL certificates
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Unable to resolve host name. error [502]
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] icqv7-t in FreeBSD?
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Flash support in the server (was: JNG Ramblings.)
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Regarding adding Voice support in Jabber Client
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Registering with gateways
Wing, Oliver
- [JDEV] JX DNS Record?
Wing, Oliver
- [JDEV] Jabberd 1.4.2 redirect and alias
Wing, Oliver
- [JDEV] Jabber Client
Klaus H. Wolf
- [JDEV] Question on DSPS "stream peer listing"
- [JDEV] Question on DSPS "stream peer listing"
- [JDEV] Better to forbit sending "subcirbed" directly?
- [JDEV] Question on DSPS "stream peer listing"
- [JDEV] Two presence packets
Amarnath Yara
- [JDEV] Server to Server - presence/message problems
Amarnath Yara
- [JDEV] Chinese/Japanese char support in jabber
Amarnath Yara
- [JDEV] Jabber security certificate (PEM File)
- [JDEV] SSL Error
- [JDEV] Re: Java JabberBeans and SSL certificates
- [JDEV] Java versions and jsse
- [JDEV] yahoo t issue
Scott.Brown at
- [JDEV] Fw: International Dating Etiquette
- [JDEV] Funky crash today
- [JDEV] Flash support in the server (was: JNG Ramblings.)
- [JDEV] "Lotus sametime" = really another IM system in this world?
- [JDEV] 'Lotus sametime' = really another IM system in this world?
- [JDEV] 'Lotus sametime' feature comparison
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
- [JDEV] New html tag in messages
- [JDEV] client support for composing message
- [JDEV] Source of JabberCOm
nitin dubey
- [JDEV] Jabber Client
nitin dubey
- [JDEV] list of services provided by jabber server
nitin dubey
- [JDEV] problem with adding methods of jabbercom
nitin dubey
- [JDEV] Registering users by Java
Dominic.Ellis at
- [JDEV] Registering users by Java
Dominic.Ellis at
- [JDEV] windows dlls
Dominic.Ellis at
- [JDEV] aim/icq transport returns error on correct browsing.
Edrin at
- [JDEV] Jabber Browsing
aliban at
- [JDEV] MSN groupchat: does it work somewhere?
admin at
- [JDEV] "Jabber mailing lists"?
admin at
- [JDEV] icqv7-t in FreeBSD?
admin at
- [JDEV] Problems with umlauts in account password?
admin at
- [JDEV] Problems with umlauts in account password?
admin at
- [JDEV] Use Jabbar to Broadcast only
- [JDEV] Subscriptions to non-existent addresses
emma.willis at
- [JDEV] Registering with gateways
emma.willis at
- [JDEV] SSL client support
emma.willis at
- [JDEV] Java JabberBeans and SSL certificates
emma.willis at
- [JDEV] Regarding adding Voice support in Jabber Client
vikram singh
- [JDEV] SSL client support
daltonc at
- [JDEV] Re: Java Jabberbeans and SSL certificates
daltonc at
- [JDEV] RE: JabberBeans ConnectionListener
daltonc at
- [JDEV] yahoo t issue
anand v
- [JDEV] best way from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2
anand v
- [JDEV] libxode-1.2 and libjabber-1.2
anand v
- [JDEV] jsm and jsm_sql problem with jabber 1.4.2
anand v
- [JDEV] yahoo t 2 Registration error
anand v
- [JDEV] which lib contains g_str_hash
anand v
- [JDEV] Yahoo Transport 2 problem
anand v
- [JDEV] send/receive for yahoo t 2
anand v
- [JDEV] Virus
sean wilson
- [JDEV] Virus
sean wilson
- [JDEV] look for help about unicode in jabber system
Last message date:
Sat Aug 31 20:34:23 CDT 2002
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 09:40:08 CST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).