[JDEV] SSL client support

daltonc at stanford.edu daltonc at stanford.edu
Tue Aug 6 19:06:29 CDT 2002

    If you want to do this in the easiest way possible, I would suggest
using jabberbeans from CVS. The current maintainer has added a class
called ConnectionBeanSSL to Jabberbeans which works exactly like the
ConnectionBean you are used to. Sadly, the maintainer has not made a
.jar release of the recent CVS changes, so you have to checkout and
rebuild jabberbeans.jar to use it. Jabberbeans uses an Ant script to
create the jar, so once you check it out, please look up ant on google
if you havent used it before.
    Jason Anderson and I are in the process of reviving the project now
so that new .jars with Jean-Louis's changes as well as the ones I just
mentioned are easily available, as well as new documenation. I will keep
JDEV posted when we make some progess in this regard.

    Dalton Caldwell

Quoting emma.willis at ntlworld.com:

> Dear all, as you have been so helpful over the last fe weeks, maybe
> you could help me with this.  I would really like to provide ssl
> support for my client but I just have no idea where to start, I
> preseume that it is somewhat more complex than just connecting to
> 5223 rather than 5222!!!
> My own server won't cope with SSL (I have set it up but the
> university settings mean it won't work), but I would like to be able
> to connect via SSL with a test server elsewhere.
> I am using jabberbeans and java for development.
> Please can someonw explain the process or give me a site where I can
> learn about the client side of SSL connectivity.
> Emma
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