[JDEV] Re: Help with Jabber-1.4.2 and MySQL backend

Menzi, Hans HMenzi at eci.com
Wed Aug 7 08:50:03 CDT 2002

Thank you for pointing out what I missed, I still have something wrong though.

I get the following error when I do a make clean and then a make:

/usr/bin/ld : cannot find -lmysqlclient
Collect2: ls returned 1 exit status
Make: *** [xdb_sql.so] Error 1

So I did a locate of mysqlclient and it returned the following:


I then tried substituting -lmysqlclient for -l/usr/lib/mysql/mysqlclient and I still got the same error.

Any suggestions?


-----Original Message-----
From: Benoit Decaudin [mailto:benoit.decaudin at terravirtual.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 4:24 AM
To: jdev at jabber.org
Subject: [JDEV] Re: Help with Jabber-1.4.2 and MySQL backend

Did you compile xdb_sql with the proper parameters in the Makefile ?
I had the same error until I modify the Makefile :

. Use this for CPPFLAGS :

. Add xdb_sql_mysql.o to the xdb_sql_OBJECTS list

. Change the following line as below (with no carriage return) :
    xdb_sql.so: $(xdb_sql_OBJECTS)
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MCFLAGS) -o xdb_sql.so $(xdb_sql_OBJECTS)
    $(LDFLAGS)  $(LIBS) -static -lmysqlclient

Then make clean and make.

Hope this helps.

> De : jdev-request at jabber.org
> Répondre à : jdev at jabber.org
> Date : Tue, 6 Aug 2002 20:17:08 -0500
> À : jdev at jabber.org
> Objet : jdev digest, Vol 1 #1573 - 13 msgs
> Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 15:01:06 -0400
> From: "Menzi, Hans" <HMenzi at eci.com>
> To: <jdev at jabber.org>
> Subject: [JDEV] Help with Jabber-1.4.2 and MySQL backend
> Reply-To: jdev at jabber.org
> Thought I would also post this on jdev....
> Hello all,
> Question I am trying to get MySQL backend running with jabber.
> When I try to start jabber I get the following error messages.
> [alert] (-internal) :[xdbsql_config_init] cannot load backend 'mysql'
> [alert] (-internal) :[xdb_sql] configuration failed
> I have my server configured according to the document at this URL:
> http://nuthole.homeip.net/files/how-to-xdb_sql.txt
> Please Help!
> Thanks,
> Hans Menzi

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