[JDEV] http proxy support

Justin Georgeson jgeorgeson at unboundtech.com
Wed Aug 7 10:16:47 CDT 2002

Actually I'm not working on Exodus. It's similar to the PUT method, but 
you send

CONNECT jabber.org:443 HTTP/1.0
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Pragma: No-Cache

Then the server sends back it's response. I just look for 200 in the 
first line. If it's not there, I search for a common set of error codes 
(403, 404, 407, 503), then close the socket. If it is there, I consume 
the rest of the data on the socket, then I start the Jabber xml stream. 
I think it works with or without SSL, just depends on what you have 
listening on port 443.

Hiroaki Nakamura wrote:
> Hi Justin.
> Justin Georgeson wrote:
>>Well. Turns out the problem I was having with http proxy was just a 
>>client side configuration issue. I had implemented the CONNECT method, 
>>but wasn't aware of the requirement for tunneling to port 443. Once I 
>>set my client to use port 443 for the jabber server, everything started 
>>working dandy. :D
> Great! I would like to use your patch if you don't mind.
> Will you post a message with your patch at Exodus support page?
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=2049&atid=202049
> Click "submit new" to entry a message. You can attach a file there.
> You have to register if you don't have a SourceForge ID.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> )Hiroaki Nakamura) hnakamur at v003.vaio.ne.jp
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Justin Georgeson
UnBound Technologies, Inc.
Main   713.329.9330
Fax    713.460.4051
Mobile 512.789.1962

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Real Applications using Real Wireless Intelligence(tm)

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