[JDEV] JEP038 (emoticon spec) : file extension

Adam Theo theo at theoretic.com
Sun Aug 18 16:49:27 CDT 2002

According to some Google searches, the "gem" file extension is already 
being used and supported in many applications as a vector graphic file 
format. Neither "gisp" nor "jisp" are, however. I would use "gisp" but 
as I said, I realize this spec isn't perfect yet in a truely generic 
sense of the word. It could become alot more powerful as people go to 
expand it to do other things than just emoticons. But, We need to start 
somewhere, otherwise I'll end up spending the next year designing this 
spec and Jabber will go without a icon style system. And since this 
somewhere is icon styles in Jabber IM clients, I'll call it "Jabber Icon 
Style Package" until it deserves to be called generic.

Hope that clarifies.

Mattias Campe wrote:
> Adam Theo heeft geschreven:
>> Hi Matthias.
>> Sorry about the email. I looked through my inbox and didn't see 
>> anything about that from you, so I might have ended up accidentally 
>> deleting it with the spam (i get about 50+ a day).
> Then you will have to put me in your personal Addres book, just kidding ;)
>> My answer is that it would be great for this to be adopted beyond 
>> Jabber, but right now it is built for the Jabber platform,so I don't 
>> feel bad about it having the name "Jabber" in it. When it becomes more 
>> widely adopted outside Jabber, hopefully someone will take the 
>> initiative to add in other icon-like things to the spec such as 
>> Avatars and Presence Icons, and rename it to something more general. 
>> Maybe "gisp", then "Generic Icon Style Package".   :-)
> Why, sth. more general? That would make it unusable for irc, because 
> they don't know "presence" nor "avatars". I just wouldn't refer to 
> Jabber within this JEP038 by naming it ".jisp", because I think that 
> this format could get a lot easier adopted in the world when nothing 
> refers to Jabber, only some names of ".gem"s itself e.g. Rhymbox and 
> Yabber theme (and in the future probably some others).
> And Cbas (from Rhymbox) looked up the actual definition for a "gem" and 
> it's: "Anything of small size, or expressed within brief limits, which 
> is regarded as a gem on account of its beauty or value, as a small 
> picture, a verse of poetry, a witty or wise saying." Which would be 
> really perfect.
> greetings
> mattias
> I'll better start a conversation with Theo before this is having the 
> beginning proportions again :D. I wouldn't want to be thrown of this 
> list ;)...

     /\  Adam Theo, Age 23, Tallahassee FL USA
    //\\   Email & Jabber: theo at theoretic.com
   //  \\  Pager: (850) 709 7738
//  ||  \\  Theoretic Solutions: http://www.theoretic.com
     ||         "Building Ideas by Bringing them Together"
     ||      Jabber Protocol: http://www.jabber.org
     ||         "The Next Generation Communications Protocol"
     ||  "A Free-Market Socialist Patriotic American Buddhist"

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