[JDEV] Slashdot article on IM Bots patent

Jeremy Lunn jeremy at austux.net
Sat Aug 17 04:27:01 CDT 2002

On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 03:00:44PM -0600, Ben Schumacher wrote:
> Yes, but this patent is specifically directed towards instant messaging
> bots. I guess it just a question of how you define instant messaging.

Doesn't something have to be specifically developed from the Patent
anyway?  So if you develop something independent to any information
about the Patent then there's nothing they could do about it.  Though
could be a hell of a job to proove except for something that is *that*

Jeremy Lunn
Melbourne, Australia
http://psi.sf.net/ - great Jabber client for Linux/win32/MacOS.

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