August 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Aug 1 11:45:35 CDT 2003
Ending: Sun Aug 31 20:20:33 CDT 2003
Messages: 189
- [JDEV] OpenIM Java Jabber Server 1.0 release
Alexis Agahi
- [JDEV] Can't auth
Hernán Alvarez
- [JDEV] 406 presence error
Andy Ames
- [JDEV] 406 presence error
Andy Ames
- [JDEV] Receiving others' messages ([WAS] 406 presence error)
Andy Ames
- [JDEV] Something up with
Andy Ames
- [JDEV] Problem with JUD 0.5
Jitender Arora
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Dave Belfer-Shevett
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Dave Belfer-Shevett
- [JDEV] MSN transport questions
Nick Birren
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Steven Brown
- [JDEV] Jabber clients that don't take messages, possible?
Steven Brown
- [JDEV] Jabber clients that don't take messages, possible?
Steven Brown
- [JDEV] Localized sites section at
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] Localized sites section at
Mattias Campe
- [JDEV] Formatting a message sent via Java
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] Message sent is blank
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] Message sent is blank
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] Message sent is blank
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] Message sent is blank
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] Cannot send messages after disabling the offline message
Ju-Shan Cheng
- [JDEV] About XDB component and user information
Ju-Shan Cheng
- [JDEV] About XDB and user xml file
Ju-Shan Cheng
- [JDEV] Formatting pt. 2 - JAJC
David 'TheRaven' Chisnall
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
David 'TheRaven' Chisnall
- [JDEV] VB jabber client > Firewall
Paul T. Clegg
- [JDEV] MSN may have taken the old MSN v8
Jamin W. Collins
- [JDEV] c2s auth problem
Jamin W. Collins
- [JDEV] 2.0.0 cvs on FreeBSD 5
Jamin W. Collins
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Jamin W. Collins
- [JDEV] Jabber Web Service Announcement
JD Conley
- [JDEV] Jabber clients that don't take messages, possible?
JD Conley
- [JDEV] Formatting a message sent via Java
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Formatting a message sent via Java
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Formatting pt. 2 - JAJC
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Formatting pt. 2 - JAJC
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Formatting pt. 2 - JAJC
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Formatting pt. 2 - JAJC
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Formatting pt. 2 - JAJC
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Message sent is blank
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Message sent is blank
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Message sent is blank
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Message sent is blank
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Message sent is blank
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Message sent is blank
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] Message sent is blank
Cunningham, Steven
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Paul Curtis
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Paul Curtis
- [JDEV] JabberApplet
Paul Curtis
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Sebastiaan Deckers
- [JDEV] Transport Registration forms/details
Mark Derricutt
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Richard Dobson
- [JDEV] client to client iqs
Fabio Forno
- [JDEV] client to client iqs
Fabio Forno
- [JDEV] License issues
Herval Freire
- [JDEV] Fw: License issues
Herval Freire
- [JDEV] FYI: A new instant messaging blog
Van Gale
- [JDEV] FYI: A new instant messaging blog
Van Gale
- [JDEV] Users-agent problem
Florent Guiliani
- [JDEV] Re: logging jabber communications
- [JDEV] Re: Jabberzilla
- [JDEV] Jabberstudio inactive?
Kristofer Göransson
- [JDEV] [ANNOUNCE] Loudmouth 0.13
Mikael Hallendal
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Mikael Hallendal
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Mikael Hallendal
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Mikael Hallendal
- [JDEV] Loudmouth 0.13.2
Mikael Hallendal
- [JDEV] Component Configuration?
Ryan Hart
- [JDEV] Component Configuration?
Ryan Hart
- [JDEV] Development IM with VC++
Joe Hildebrand
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Joe Hildebrand
- [JDEV] Jabber clients that don't take messages, possible?
Joe Hildebrand
- [JDEV] FYI: A new instant messaging blog
Joe Hildebrand
- [JDEV] Jabber integration for community website?
Jonathan Hirshon
- [JDEV] Jabber disable logon!
- [JDEV] Localized sites section at
Justin Karneges
- [JDEV] using Jabber::Connection in perl
Justin Karneges
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Justin Karneges
- [JDEV] Development IM with VC++
Justin Karneges
- [JDEV] Jabber integration for community website?
Justin Karneges
- [JDEV] using Jabber::Connection in perl
Todd Kennedy
- [JDEV] logging jabber communications
Todd Kennedy
- [JDEV] Localized sites section at
Justin Kirby
- [JDEV] Localized sites section at
Justin Kirby
- [JDEV] current JabberManual
Justin Kirby
- [JDEV] MSN may have taken the old MSN v8
Remmelt Koenes
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Remmelt Koenes
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Remmelt Koenes
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Remmelt Koenes
- [JDEV] Problems compiling server component using JECL
Jiri Komzak
- [JDEV] 2.0.0-a5 on Solaris 9
Frederick Lefebvre
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Anthony Lim
- [JDEV] 2.0.0 cvs on FreeBSD 5
Bernino Lind
- [JDEV] Backend parsing - programming in Jabber
Bernino Lind
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Dave List
- [JDEV] Localized sites section at
Ralph Meijer
- [JDEV] Formatting a message sent via Java
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] Hide recent Groupchat messages
Matt Miller
- [JDEV] Formatting a message sent via Java
Matthew A. Miller
- [JDEV] client to client iqs
Matthew A. Miller
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Receiving others' messages ([WAS] 406 presence error)
Julian K. Missig
- [JDEV] Jabberstudio inactive?
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] 2.0.0-a5 on Solaris 9
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] 406 presence error
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] ANNOUNCE: jabberd 2.0.0 alpha 5 available for download
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] using Jabber::Connection in perl
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] Re: [jadmin] jabberd 2.0-a6: c2s: error: Stream error (Expected stream start)
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] Jabber clients that don't take messages, possible?
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] New maintainer needed for xdb_sql and xdb_ldap
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] Project Help
Priya Patel
- [JDEV] Internal Delivery Error
Trognon Patrice
- [JDEV] Net::Jabber - XDB->GetData() returns undef?
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] using Jabber::Connection in perl
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] ANNOUNCE: POE::Component::Jabber
Nicholas Perez
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Michael Pike
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Michael Pike
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Michael Pike
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Michael Pike
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Michael Pike
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Michael Pike
- [JDEV] jabberd14 in CVS - mod_browse, mod_agents, mod_auth_0k errors
Chris Pile
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Jonathan Pobst
- [JDEV] Logging all JabberD messages (was RE: yaja echo testcase)
Mike Prince
- [JDEV] Jabber Component Development Guide
Hemendra Rana
- [JDEV] Presence!
Hemendra Rana
- [JDEV] Presence!
Hemendra Rana
- [JDEV] DRAFT: JEP-0068
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] FW: Defining a "standard" address book schema
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Registration with Net::Jabber
Christophe Sauthier
- [JDEV] MSN may have taken the old MSN v8
Andrew Sayers
- [JDEV] MSN may have taken the old MSN v8
Andrew Sayers
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Andrew Sayers
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Andrew Sayers
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Andrew Sayers
- [JDEV] MSN transport questions
Andrew Sayers
- [JDEV] Net::Jabber - XDB->GetData() returns undef?
Chris Searle
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Ulrich B. Staudinger
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Ulrich B. Staudinger
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Ulrich B. Staudinger
- [JDEV] AV Task Force
Ulrich B. Staudinger
- [JDEV] FW: DoD Policy on Open Source
Ulrich B. Staudinger
- [JDEV] Jabberstudio inactive?
Ulrich B. Staudinger
- [JDEV] JabberApplet
Clemens Steinkogler
- [JDEV] Retrieve list of online user....
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
Matt Tucker
- [JDEV] Net::Jabber and ICQ
Eyal Udassin
- [JDEV] (no subject)
Eyal Udassin
- [JDEV] Re: Conference component for win32
Valeri, David
- [JDEV] Jabberzilla
Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] Re: Jabberzilla
Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] PHPNuke and Jabber
Sameer Verma
- [JDEV] Fenchurch Release 0.2.3 available
Sebastian Vollnhals
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Sebastian Vollnhals
- [JDEV] Re: [jadmin] jabberd 2.0-a6: c2s: error: Stream error (Expected stream start)
Nathan Walp
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Adrian Williams
- [JDEV] Something up with
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] public installation of jabberd2
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Jabber clients that don't take messages, possible?
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Presence!
Matthias Wimmer
- [JDEV] Jabber co-browsing features
Heiner Wolf
- [JDEV] Jabber co-browsing features
Heiner Wolf
- [JDEV] c2s auth problem
chrisrobson at
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
chrisrobson at
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
chrisrobson at
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
chrisrobson at
- [JDEV] Re: MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
jdev at
- [JDEV] Jabber disable logon!
maqi at
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
maqi at
- [JDEV] Whither JGF?
maqi at
- [JDEV] open rosters
- [JDEV] VB jabber client
todd kennedy
- [JDEV] Jabber co-browsing features
- [JDEV] Development IM with VC++
- [2] [JDEV] FYI: A new instant messaging blog
- [JDEV] Jabberstudio inactive?
- [JDEV] msnm licencing
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Compliance
Iain shigeoka
- [JDEV] MSN will stop supporting old MSN Messenger protocol
sean wilson
- [JDEV] Wireless Village - Jabber Gateway
Last message date:
Sun Aug 31 20:20:33 CDT 2003
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 09:40:29 CST 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).