[JDEV] Jabber disable logon!

Jongi jongi at nitric.co.za
Thu Aug 7 05:16:28 CDT 2003

Dear Sir,

I would like to know of whether is it possible to disable the logon part
on the JabberApplet. I am using this for the users with little or no
information about chat programs. So for me it would be easy if they just
click and go to a big chat room, instead of first registering and adding
others. Do you think there is a possible wait that when an Applet loads
it just go to one big chat room?

Thanking you in advance
    _                   _  _                            ___                    
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                 |___/                   |___/                                 
When I started programming, we didn't have any of these sissy 'icons'
and 'Windows.'All we had were zeros and ones -- and sometimes we didn't
even have ones.I wrote an entire database program using only zeros. You
had zeros? We had to use the letter "O".
Disclaimer: My company is not responsible for this email and neither me.

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