[JDEV] Re: logging jabber communications

GuruJ GuruJ at mbox.com.au
Wed Aug 13 22:28:19 CDT 2003

Hi Todd,

Go to Jabberstudio.org and look at the Components section 
(http://www.jabberstudio.org/project/?cat=6).  Either msglog or JaWeLo 
should do the trick.

Please note that I haven't actually played with either of these 
personally myself ;)


P.S.  To anyone else:  does Jabber 2.0 have logging enabled by default? 
  If not, are there plans to make this happen?  I'm sure that many 
corporations would love an IM product that has good logging capabilities 
'out of the box'!

Todd Kennedy wrote:
> Hello all.
> Is there a Jabber server (I couldn't find an option for it in jabberd)
> that lets you log all communication going in and out of the jabber
> server?
> I know the SEC requires this for compliance with stock and securities
> trading logs, so I figure it should be out there somewhere.
> Thanks.
> Todd

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