[JDEV] Re: Jabberzilla

GuruJ GuruJ at mbox.com.au
Thu Aug 14 08:06:21 CDT 2003

Sameer Verma wrote:
 > Whatever happened to Jabberzilla?

Hi Sameer,

It's still at http://jabberzilla.mozdev.org, although it hasn't had any 
changes made to it for a while.

As I understand it, it was originally developed pre-Mozilla 1.0, and 
typically for that period, bits and pieces of the interface kept 
breaking.  Eventually development more or less became a two steps 
forwards, three steps back kind of scenario, and everything pretty much 

Now that Mozilla has a stable 1.4 branch, there's been a bit of a 
revival of interest in Jabberzilla.  A few of us are trying to revive 
discussion about the project.  The mailing list ('mail list' from the 
project page) should be up and running again shortly.  If you're 
interested, you should subscribe and see if you can help us out!

-- GuruJ.

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