October 2001 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Oct 1 01:29:37 CDT 2001
Ending: Wed Oct 31 14:45:08 CST 2001
Messages: 391
- [JDEV] SSL question
Albert Gallego (durand.com)
- [JDEV] Re: [jadmin] Help on developing server side module.
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] forms
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] phenomenon associated with frequent connections
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] phenomenon associated with frequent connections
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] XML::Stream - Can't call method "flush" on an undefined value
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] help, using jabber to transmit custom xml
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml fi le
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml fi le
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] Discussion: SOAP Over Jabber
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] How to find the presence of a user at server side (was : How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml file)
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] file transfer
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] file transfer
DJ Adams
- [JDEV] New Patent Policy at W3C
- [JDEV] New Patent Policy at W3C
- [JDEV] New Patent Policy at W3C
- [JDEV] New Patent Policy at W3C
- [JDEV] HTTP proxy
- [JDEV] HTTP proxy
- [JDEV] A report and a dumb question
John Bell
- [JDEV] A report and a dumb question
John Bell
- [JDEV] A report and a dumb question
John Bell
- [JDEV] Using Java Socket and JAXP1.1 DefaultHandler
John Bell
- [JDEV] jserve 0.1a uploaded
Daniel T. Bender
- [JDEV] Help to solve a problem in jabber
G.Vijaya Bhaskar
- [JDEV] Authorization Help
Dan Bray
- [JDEV] Authentication
Dan Bray
- [JDEV] Where is the perl module Net::Jabber::Transport ?
Leon Brocard
- [JDEV] Jabber Server
Okan Bulut
- [JDEV] Yahoo Gateway 'Offline' without presence indication
- [JDEV] Single Sign on and stuff
Donn Cave
- [JDEV] Jabber Success story
Francesco Cesarini
- [JDEV] New Java Jabber Library for testing
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] Using Java Socket and JAXP1.1 DefaultHandler
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] Forming "Jabber Federation" with Jabber.org
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] 0K Authentication
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] 0K Authentication
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] 0K Authentication
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] 0K Authentication
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] user information for other transport
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] ICQ server drops messages from ICQ transport
Chris Chen
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] possible JabberIM bug
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] Jabber Server not conforming to Jabber Specs
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] jabber:x:signed spec question
Chris Chen
- [JDEV] New Patent Policy at W3C
Scott Cote
- [JDEV] Re: New Patent Policy at W3C
Jay Curry
- [JDEV] Re: Winjab compilation help
Jay Curry
- [JDEV] jabber.org
Jay Curry
- [JDEV] forms
Sebastiaan 'CBAS' Deckers
- [JDEV] JabberCOM docs missing
Sebastiaan 'CBAS' Deckers
- [JDEV] possible JabberIM bug
Sebastiaan 'CBAS' Deckers
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - New Windows Tools for Jabber
Jabber DevZone
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - Jabber Everywhere
Jabber DevZone
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - New Whiteboarding JIG
Jabber DevZone
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - Call for generic pub/sub ideas
Jabber DevZone
- [JDEV] Jabber Server
John Draughn
- [JDEV] Re: Winjab compilation help
John Draughn
- [JDEV] A report and a dumb question
John Draughn
- [JDEV] A report and a dumb question
John Draughn
- [JDEV] A report and a dumb question
John Draughn
- [JDEV] What is wrong ? jabber:iq:search
John Draughn
- [JDEV] How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml file
John Draughn
- [JDEV] Help : IRC module... giving a not implemented error.
John Draughn
- [JDEV] jabber.org
John Draughn
- [JDEV] jabber.org
John Draughn
- [JDEV] firewall config for ssl
John Draughn
- [JDEV] firewall config for ssl
Bruce Duncan
- [JDEV] firewall config for ssl
Bruce Duncan
- [JDEV] firewall config for ssl
Bruce Duncan
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
Bernd Eckenfels
- [JDEV] server to server
Bernd Eckenfels
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
- [JDEV] More on namespaces in jabberd
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
- [JDEV] More on namespaces in jabberd
- [JDEV] How to find the presence of a user at server side (was
- [JDEV] firewall config for ssl
Wayne Fiori
- [JDEV] Instant Messaging Markup Language
Julian Fitzell
- [JDEV] Where are JECL libs?
Julian Fitzell
- [JDEV] Server Component Connections
Flannery, Bill (Factiva)
- [JDEV] XDB Newbie Questions
Flannery, Bill (Factiva)
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
Albert Gallego
- [JDEV] (announcement) mod_auth_jabber v1.02
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [JDEV] SSL on FreeBSD
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [JDEV] SSL on FreeBSD
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [JDEV] 0K Authentication
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [JDEV] SSI Protocol draft 1
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [JDEV] Question on how to encode unicode into utf8 for jabber
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [JDEV] Can Transports discover client addresses?
Mark Hahn
- [JDEV] 1.4.2-test tarball, HTTP proxy, and zero-k auth case sensitivity
Piers Harding
- [JDEV] Distributed Authentication - thoughts people?
Michael Hearn
- [JDEV] Single Sign on and stuff
Michael Hearn
- [JDEV] Single Sign-on and stuff
Michael Hearn
- [JDEV] SSI Protocol draft 1
Michael Hearn
- [JDEV] Jabber Server
John Hebert
- [JDEV] Error with 1.4.2 Server Release Candidate
Kevin Hollenshead
- [JDEV] JabberFoX 0.3 released!
Max Horn
- [JDEV] Logging in as the server JID
Max Horn
- [JDEV] file transfer
Max Horn
- [JDEV] Jabber Beans
Guy Hussussian
- [JDEV] libjabber
Henrik Härkönen
- [JDEV] libjabber
Henrik Härkönen
- [JDEV] libjabber
Henrik Härkönen
- [JDEV] wcs configuration
Eric C. Snowdeal III
- [JDEV] Re: [forms-jig] forms
Tom Jackson
- [JDEV] libjabber
Tom Jackson
- [JDEV] 0K Authentication
Tom Jackson
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
Tom Jackson
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
Tom Jackson
- [JDEV] More on namespaces in jabberd
- [JDEV] 1.4.2-test tarball, HTTP proxy, and zero-k auth case sensitivity
- [JDEV] further cygwin problems with the 1.4.2 test stuff
- [JDEV] New Patent Policy at W3C
Oliver Jones
- [JDEV] 1.4.2-test tarball, HTTP proxy, and zero-k auth case sensitivity
Steve Kennedy
- [JDEV] 1.4.2-test tarball, HTTP proxy, and zero-k auth case sensitivity
Steve Kennedy
- [JDEV] further cygwin problems with the 1.4.2 test stuff
Steve Kennedy
- [JDEV] further cygwin problems with the 1.4.2 test stuff
Steve Kennedy
- [JDEV] forms
Richard Klein
- [JDEV] Re: Returning a different response code for non-existent users
Harald Koch
- [JDEV] ldapauth2 module.
Frank Koenen
- [JDEV] Authentication / Authorization / List
Joshua Kramer
- [JDEV] help for xdb_odbc module
Brian Lalor
- [JDEV] HTTP proxy
Michal Leinweber
- [JDEV] HTTP proxy
Michal Leinweber
- [JDEV] Message to specific resource of my presence
Michal Leinweber
- [JDEV] UK or European based developer?
Alan Lenton
- [JDEV] Conference speaker filled
Alan Lenton
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Design Tutorial
Rikard Linde
- [JDEV] Jabber Client Design Tutorial
Rikard Linde
- [JDEV] Web transports
Rikard Linde
- [JDEV] jabber.org
Jay Lorenzo
- [JDEV] Re: Building jabberd on hp-ux
MacNamara, Chris
- [JDEV] help for storage module
Colin Madere
- [JDEV] How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml fi le
Malli, Siva_Kumar
- [JDEV] Web browser and application Sharing?
Malli, Siva_Kumar
- [JDEV] How to find the presence of a user at server side (was : How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml file)
Malli, Siva_Kumar
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
Malli, Siva_Kumar
- [JDEV] Configuring the IRC-transport to find out the IRC Server
Malli, Siva_Kumar
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
Malli, Siva_Kumar
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
Malli, Siva_Kumar
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
Sivakumar Malli
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
Sivakumar Malli
- [JDEV] How to find the presence of a user at server side (was : How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml file)
Sivakumar Malli
- [JDEV] Jabberd config file & namespaces
Franck Mangin
- [JDEV] Jabberd config file & namespaces
Franck Mangin
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
Franck Mangin
- [JDEV] jabber.org server stats..
Michael F. March
- [JDEV] 1.4.2-test tarball, HTTP proxy, and zero-k auth case sensitivity
Chris McDonald
- [JDEV] Setting up jogger
Justin Mecham
- [JDEV] Setting up jogger
Justin Mecham
- [JDEV] authentication, intro to PAM
Max Metral
- [JDEV] Distributed Authentication - thoughts people?
Max Metral
- [JDEV] Single Sign on and stuff
Max Metral
- [JDEV] Authorization Help
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] What is wrong ? jabber:iq:search
Peter Millard
- [JDEV] [ranec at yahoo.com: Re: [libyahoo-devel] Extra characters in chat sessions]
Keith Minkler
- [JDEV] jabber.org
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Multiple Queries in an IQ?
Julian Missig
- [JDEV] Instant Messaging Markup Language
Rashad Moore
- [JDEV] Instant Messaging Markup Language
Rashad Moore
- [JDEV] unicode client in java
Edwin van Ouwerkerk Moria
- [JDEV] Should registration be always initiated by the client?
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] Returning a different response code for non-existent users
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] RE: SSL Yet Again ( It Works!)
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] SSL on FreeBSD
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] SSL on FreeBSD
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] problems with xdb_sql
Thomas Muldowney
- [JDEV] What is wrong ? jabber:iq:search
Christian Møller
- [JDEV] XML::Stream - Can't call method "flush" on an undefined value
Robert Norris
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] Help : IRC module... giving a not implemented error.
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] coredump with xdb_sql and user profile changes
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] new xdb_sql release
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] About Irc Transport
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] Configuring the IRC-transport to find out the IRC Server
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport - with SQL
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport - with SQL
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] IRC transport
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] Yahoo Transport & xdb_sql
Benoit Orihuela
- RES: [JDEV] Yahoo Transport & xdb_sql
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] XDB Newbie Questions
Benoit Orihuela
- [JDEV] phenomenon associated with frequent connections
Charles Owen
- [JDEV] Where is the perl module Net::Jabber::Transport ?
Migs Paraz
- [JDEV] Where is the perl module Net::Jabber::Transport ?
Migs Paraz
- [JDEV] ICQ: any plans to move to ICQ 2000b/protocol v7?
Migs Paraz
- [JDEV] Converting filesystem to mysql?
Migs Paraz
- [JDEV] Returning a different response code for non-existent users
Miguel A.L. Paraz
- [JDEV] Should registration be always initiated by the client?
Miguel A.L. Paraz
- [JDEV] XML::Stream - Can't call method "flush" on an undefined value
Miguel A.L. Paraz
- [JDEV] XML::Stream - Can't call method "flush" on an undefined value
Miguel A.L. Paraz
- [JDEV] Should registration be always initiated by the client?
Miguel A.L. Paraz
- [JDEV] Returning a different response code for non-existent users
Miguel A.L. Paraz
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport - with SQL
Miguel A.L. Paraz
- [JDEV] Combining JUD and xdb_sql
Miguel A.L. Paraz
- [JDEV] SSL Yet Again
Chris Pile
- [JDEV] RE: SSL Yet Again
Chris Pile
- [JDEV] 1.4.2-test Weirdness
Chris Pile
- [JDEV] About Irc Transport
Chris Pile
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport - with SQL
Stefan Praszalowicz
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
Stefan Praszalowicz
- [JDEV] help for xdb_odbc module
Alex She<Wizdomtech - Analyst Programmer>
- [JDEV] help for xdb_odbc module
Alex She<Wizdomtech - Analyst Programmer>
- [JDEV] Help Wanted
Alex She<Wizdomtech - Analyst Programmer>
- [JDEV] server to server
Alex She<Wizdomtech - Analyst Programmer>
- [JDEV] checking presence
- [JDEV] unicode client in java
David Rainville
- [JDEV] anybody got new revision of JabberApplet made by Karel Tejnora jr.?
David Rainville
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
David Rainville
- [JDEV] Question on how to encode unicode into utf8 for jabber
David Rainville
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
David Rainville
- [JDEV] Setting up jogger
David Rainville
- [JDEV] Setting up jogger
David Rainville
- [JDEV] Setting up jogger
David Rainville
- [JDEV] Jogger presence name problem
David Rainville
- [JDEV] phenomenon associated with frequent connections
Jason Reineri
- [JDEV] problems with xdb_sql
Jason Reineri
- [JDEV] Converting filesystem to mysql?
Jason Reineri
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
Tony Rice
- [JDEV] coredump with xdb_sql and user profile changes
Benjamin Ritcey
- [PATCH] -- Re: [JDEV] coredump with xdb_sql and user profile changes
Benjamin Ritcey
- [JDEV] jabber dumping core at random(?)
Benjamin Ritcey
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
Marco Romeny
- [JDEV] status notification
Danilo Alves Ferreira (Engenharia - SPO)
- [JDEV] file transfer
Danilo Alves Ferreira (Engenharia - SPO)
Danilo Alves Ferreira (Engenharia - SPO)
- [JDEV] Yahoo Transport & xdb_sql
Danilo Alves Ferreira (Engenharia - SPO)
Danilo Alves Ferreira (Engenharia - SPO)
Danilo Alves Ferreira (Engenharia - SPO)
Danilo Alves Ferreira (Engenharia - SPO)
- RES: [JDEV] Yahoo Transport & xdb_sql
Danilo Alves Ferreira (Engenharia - SPO)
- RES: [JDEV] jabber.org server stats..
Eduardo Jorge Batista Rebouças (Engenharia SPO
- [JDEV] New Patent Policy at W3C
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Distributed Authentication - thoughts people?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Mailing List Started for Jabber News
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] New Patent Policy at W3C
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Can Transports discover client addresses?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] forms
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Re: [forms-jig] forms
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Re: [jadmin] Help on developing server side module.
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Authorization Help
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Re: [forms-jig] forms
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] forms
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - Federated Authentication with Jabber
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Jabber DevZone News - Python Jabber Server?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Jabber Server
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] libjabber
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Jabber Server
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml file
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Forming "Jabber Federation" with Jabber.org
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] help for xdb_odbc module
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Returning a different response code for non-existent users
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Instant Messaging Markup Language
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Decrypting JIM message logs
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] jabber.org
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] 0K Authentication
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml fi le
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml fi le
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] How to find the presence of a user at server side (was : How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml file)
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] How to find the presence of a user at server side (was
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Jabber Beans
Peter Saint-Andre
Peter Saint-Andre
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] jabber:x:signed spec question
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Where is the perl module Net::Jabber::Transport ?
Peter Saint-Andre
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] Where are JECL libs?
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] XDB Newbie Questions
Peter Saint-Andre
- [JDEV] server to server
Ben Schumacher
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
David Scott
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
David Scott
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
David Scott
- [JDEV] ICQ transport question
Guy Segal
- [JDEV] ICQ server drops messages from ICQ transport
Guy Segal
- [JDEV] Decrypting JIM message logs
Matthew Shepherd
- [JDEV] Decrypting JIM message logs
Matthew Shepherd
- [JDEV] Authentication / Authorization / List
Iain Shigeoka
- [JDEV] Single Sign-on and stuff
Iain Shigeoka
- [JDEV] 0K Authentication
Iain Shigeoka
- [JDEV] Single Sign on and stuff
Jonathan Siegle
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
Jonathan Siegle
- [JDEV] JabberApplet supports 1.4 groupchat
Jonathan Siegle
- [JDEV] Query about IRC
Utpal Sikdar
- [JDEV] About Irc Transport
Utpal Sikdar
- [JDEV] Help Wanted
Kamal Singhania
- [JDEV] Re: [jadmin] Help on developing server side module.
- [JDEV] A report and a dumb question
- [JDEV] How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml file
- [JDEV] Help : IRC module... giving a not implemented error.
- [JDEV] Jabberd config file & namespaces
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] More on namespaces in jabberd
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] XPath Granularity in IQ
Dave Smith
- [JDEV] help, using jabber to transmit custom xml
Mike Snitzer
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
David Sutton
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
David Sutton
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
David Sutton
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
David Sutton
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
David Sutton
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
David Sutton
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
David Sutton
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
David Sutton
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
David Sutton
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
David Sutton
- [JDEV] HTTP proxy
Dariusz Taczalski
- [JDEV] jabber dumping core at random(?)
Dariusz Taczalski
- [JDEV] Using Java Socket and JAXP1.1 DefaultHandler
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] HTTP proxy
Robert Temple
- [JDEV] authentication, intro to PAM
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] New Patent Policy at W3C
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] dotgnu/jabber meetings, round 2
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] Help : IRC module... giving a not implemented error.
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] jabber.org
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] The Upcoming DotGNU & Jabber Meeting - dotgnu at rooms.theoretic.com
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] Update on dotGNU/Jabber Meeting
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] DotGNU/Jabber Meeting in 15 Minutes
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] DotGNU/Jabber Meeting of Oct 12
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] Logging in as the server JID
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] Query about IRC
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] The Weekly DotGNU & Jabber Meetings - dotgnu at rooms.theoretic.com
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] DotGNU/Jabber meeting in 1 hour
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] DotGNU/Jabber Meeting Agenda
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] Re: [Foundation] Released JabberSMTP v1.00
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] SSI Modular Framework
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] Jabber Environments
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] Multiple Queries in an IQ?
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] Multiple Queries in an IQ?
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] XPath Granularity in IQ
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] Converting filesystem to mysql?
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] DotGNU-Jabber Mailing List
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] Licensing of the Jabber Server & Transports
Adam Theo
- [JDEV] ICQ transport question
Paul Vet
- [JDEV] RE: SSL Yet Again
- [JDEV] RE: SSL Yet Again ( It Works!)
- [JDEV] New Patent Policy at W3C
Dave Waite
- [JDEV] What is wrong ? jabber:iq:search
Dave Waite
- [JDEV] file transfer
Dave Waite
- [JDEV] Jabberd config file & namespaces
David Waite
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
David Waite
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
David Waite
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
David Waite
- [JDEV] More on namespaces in jabberd
David Waite
- [JDEV] unicode client in java
David Waite
- [JDEV] Authentication
David Waite
- [JDEV] Conferencing with multiple services
David Waite
- [JDEV] How to find the presence of a user at server side (was
David Waite
- [JDEV] Where are JECL libs?
Rich Wilson
- [JDEV] Open source Win32 client (libraries)
Klaus H. Wolf
- [JDEV] Win32 MSVC client or libs ?
Klaus H. Wolf
- [JDEV] Messages from Yahoo Client version 5,0,0,1036
Amarnath Yara
- [JDEV] WInjab compilation question
Jenny Yuen
- [JDEV] Winjab compilation help please
Jenny Yuen
- [JDEV] WInjab compilation help
Jenny Yuen
- [JDEV] Winjab compilation help
Jenny Yuen
- [JDEV] Jabber Beans
Jenny Yuen
- [JDEV] log in
Jenny Yuen
- [JDEV] 1.4.2-test on FreeBSD
Erich Zigler
- [JDEV] 1.4.2-test Weirdness
Erich Zigler
- [JDEV] XML::Stream::Parser
Christopher Zorn
- [JDEV] ICQ transport question
- [JDEV] How to find the presence of a user at server side (was : How to find whether a user is offline from user.xml file)
joe at cursive.net
- [JDEV] Web browser and application Sharing?
- [JDEV] How to find the presence of a user at server side (was
- [JDEV] XML::Stream - Can't call method "flush" on an undefined value
jer at email.jabber.org
- [JDEV] 0K Authentication
jer at email.jabber.org
- [JDEV] 0K Authentication
jer at email.jabber.org
- [JDEV] How to find the presence of a user at server side (was
jer at email.jabber.org
- [JDEV] About IRC Transport
Siva kumar
- [JDEV] Conferencing with multiple services
prasanta lenka
- [JDEV] SSL question
prasanta lenka
- [JDEV] UDP server with multiple client
keerthi perera
- [JDEV] Re: jdev digest, Vol 1 #1054 - 13 msgs
- [JDEV] SSL Yet Again
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
- [JDEV] Namespace usage on server
- [JDEV] problems with xdb_sql
subra venkat
- [JDEV] HTTP proxy
- [JDEV] Jabber Server
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 14:45:08 CST 2001
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 09:39:44 CST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).