[JDEV] XDB Newbie Questions

Benoit Orihuela borihuela at idealx.com
Tue Oct 30 10:00:18 CST 2001

> Can there be more than one XDB component, segregating the handling 
> of different namespaces? 
yes. In each xdb section, you just have to specify the namespaces that
it handles.

> Can new custom namespaces be added (myworld:iq:preferences)? 
yes. just add the namespace in a <ns> tag in the xdb section. 
for instance, to handle data from yahoo-t, I've added
<ns>yahootrans:data</ns> in one of my xdb sections ...

> Can an XDB component be externalized, through accept or connect? Most of the
> examples I have found load a shared library object through the <load>
> element. 
hmmm, I don't think so ... 



Benoit Orihuela		

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