[JDEV] More on namespaces in jabberd

Fabrice DESRE - FT.BD/FTRD/DMI/GRI fabrice.desre at francetelecom.com
Thu Oct 4 02:16:08 CDT 2001

Jeremie wrote:
> Not true, it's use is conformant with namespaces, it is only using a
> subset of the specification in this case.  This is no different from the
> use of XML, in that there is no support for entities, prologs, etc, and
> only a subset of XML is actually being used.  Other than the namespaces
> the server uses itself, all other uses (between clients, services, or any
> software sending xml via jabber) may use namespaces in any way they
> choose.

 Using a subset of XML can be really annoying. Think about the lack of
when sending XHTML docs for instance... By the way, can you point me to
a doc
where I can find these limitations ?
 What i'm saying is the current implementation of jabberd (1.4) is
broken with
respect to namespaces. My first post in this thread demonstrates this :
server can't process correctly this valid stream.
 If you use a non compliant parser for your XML application, you're very
to go into troubles.

> I do agree that it would be very nice and we should work towards a new rev
> of the protocol specification in the future that encourages using
> namespaces more broadly (after we get the current one well defined of
> course).

 I agree with you on that. Good namespaces usage (ie at design stage) is
always easy, but you can get lots of benefits from it. Some area of
I can see right now :
- re-think the <stream/> namespaces
- re-think the <x/> element


Fabrice Desré - France Telecom R&D/DMI/GRI
Tel: +(33) 2 96 05 31 43
Fax: +(33) 2 96 05 32 86

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