[JDEV] Converting filesystem to mysql?

Jason Reineri jreineri at northridge.com
Mon Oct 29 17:52:20 CST 2001

Well, you can run the xdb_sql module to store user data, but as far as
importing the records you already have into that database, you'll
probably have to write some sort of program that does it, unless someone
else already has one.  I am running xdb_sql here and it works pretty
good, I've had to make some bug fixes, but nothing too bad.  It only
works out of the box with the yahoo-transport, but I modified it to work
with the MSN transport as well without too much work.

Jason Reineri
Northridge Systems, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Theo [mailto:adamtheo at theoretic.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 5:10 PM
To: jdev at jabber.org
Subject: [JDEV] Converting filesystem to mysql?

Hello, all.

I was wondering if there is anyway to convert user.xml files on the 
filesystem into a mysql database for the jabber server?

my public server is reaching on 1,000 users now, and i'm looking to 
upgrade xdb.

    /\    -- Adam Theo, Age 22, Tallahassee FL USA --
   //\\   Theoretic Solutions (http://www.theoretic.com)
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    ||    Email & Jabber: adamtheo at theoretic.com
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  "A free-market socialist computer geek patriotic American buddhist."

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