[jdev] Monthly XMPP Meeting

Jonathan Schleifer js-jdev at webkeks.org
Thu Mar 12 10:02:31 CDT 2009

Am 11.03.2009 um 21:19 schrieb Norman Rasmussen:

> It depends on if stpeter is on your roster with a subscription  
> status of 'from' or 'both' or not.

I was talking about both.

> rfc3921bis-07 section 4.6.2: summary:
>  if the user is on your roster: then global can override directed,

Which is a bad idea IMO. It should be only done if you EXPLICITLY want  
that, for example, because you had a <override-directed/> in it.

>  if the user is not on your roster, then global MUST NOT override  
> directed.

This is generally what you want. But it should be overriden in some  
cases, like you sign off (you shouldn't appear to the user to whom you  
sent a directed presence as away or dnd anymore) or you added  


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