[jdev] Monthly XMPP Meeting

Norman Rasmussen norman at rasmussen.co.za
Wed Mar 11 15:19:21 CDT 2009

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Jonathan Schleifer <js-jdev at webkeks.org>wrote:

> Well, imagine this situation: I send a presence with <show>dnd</show>. Then
> my client sets me auto away and later I return. So it sends a global
> available presence with no show. No peter seems me again. But I sent a
> directed presence because I wanted that he thinks I'm busy and doesn't
> bother me (sorry you have to be our example here, Peter ;)). But this is
> renderes useless by the global presence. IMO, a global presence should not
> replace a directed presence. At least not until you send a global
> unavailable presence or tell the server some other way that you don't want
> that directed presence anymore.

It depends on if stpeter is on your roster with a subscription status of
'from' or 'both' or not.

rfc3921bis-07 section 4.6.2: summary:
 if the user is on your roster: then global can override directed,
 if the user is not on your roster, then global MUST NOT override directed.

- Norman Rasmussen
- Email: norman at rasmussen.co.za
- Home page: http://norman.rasmussen.co.za/
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