[jdev] a vision

Sander Devrieze sander at sanderdevrieze.net
Wed Mar 11 15:38:34 CDT 2009

2009/3/11 Justin Karneges <justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com>:
> The big question of all is whether it is the job of jabber.org to compete with
> Skype.  Aren't there others in this space already trying to do that?  If
> jabber.org is truly competitive, and no longer a self-defeating reference
> service, is it still fair to use the "Jabber" name?  Peter, you may remember,
> one of the options we discussed was to actually get rid of jabber.org
> entirely. ;-)

I was just discussion with Peter about the idea to host a blank page
on the jabber.org domain...so yes, count me in for that idea! B-)

Mvg, Sander Devrieze.

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