[jdev] a vision

Sylvain Hellegouarch sh at defuze.org
Wed Mar 11 15:14:44 CDT 2009

Justin Karneges a écrit :
> On Tuesday 10 March 2009 16:24:50 Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> None of this would be exclusive. We'd still strongly encourage people to
>> run their own XMPP services and join the network. But we'd also work
>> hard to have worldwide coverage under the jabber.org banner.
> This proposal reminds me of our discussion in Portland last year with 
> Christopher Zorn, about the future of Psi.  I was all tied up in a knot 
> because I felt that to truly target average users, Psi would have to be bound 
> with a service, but that doing so would taint Psi's image and go against the 
> point of Jabber.
I can't quite remember for Psi but I know many existing clients already 
make a clear distinction between Jabber and Google Talk when you signup. 
I actually use the Google Talk because, for some unknown reason, it 
feels like it fits better when I use my GTalk account. This is of course 
not the case.

- Sylvain

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