[JDEV] libxode: xmlnode_get_datasz() broken?

Jim Seymour jseymour at LinxNet.com
Thu May 9 16:49:37 CDT 2002

Thomas Muldowney <temas at box5.net> wrote:
> Not that I'm aware of.... could you give us some more info?

I haven't actually looked into it yet.  I had this bit of code that
looked like:

    if((g = xmlnode_get_tag(x, "group")) != NULL &&
	xmlnode_get_datasz(g) > 0)
	    groupname = xmlnode_get_data(g);

That used to work.  Then, while working on something else last night, I
found that "groupname" wasn't getting set any more.  I removed the
xmlnode_get_datasz() check and it worked again.  Thus I *assume* that
the function isn't working as it once was any more.

Jim Seymour                  | PGP Public Key available at:
jseymour at LinxNet.com         | http://www.uk.pgp.net/pgpnet/pks-commands.html
http://jimsun.LinxNet.com    |

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