[JDEV] Authentication

Luis Peralta peralta at aditel.org
Thu May 9 06:40:55 CDT 2002

On Wed May 08, 2002 at 08:52:27PM -0700, Raistlin Tanis wrote:
> And also,  i still want the local server to accept
> registrations of new users, any ideas how to go about
> it?  i've tried both xdb_auth_pop3 and xdb_auth_cpile
> ... but accdg to their docs "Once the script is
> running, your server will no longer accept
> registrations,".

Well, if you don't comment out the lines about <register> in your
jabber.xml, registration should be possible. xdb_auth_cpile (in the pop3
case) will try to auth the user to the corresponding host, so if the user
has an account there, it should work.
                                          luis peralta / jaxp

CS Student | peralta at spisa dot act dot uji dot es
           | http://spisa.act.uji.es/~peralta/

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