[JDEV] Invalid handshake with users-agent

Tim Ferguson tim.ferguson at cw.com
Mon Jan 22 11:26:24 CST 2001


I apologize if this has been covered, but I was not able to find anything in
the archives.  Basically my users-agent is unable to make a connection
because of an invalid handshake.  Below is the debug output and if anyone
has ideas on things to check I would appreciate it:

NJ::Component: SendXML:
XML::Stream: Send:
NJ::Component: Process: timeout()
XML::Stream: Process: timeout()
XML::Stream: Process: status(0)
XML::Stream: Process: connection_status(1)
XML::Stream: Read: (<stream:error>Invalid handshake</stream:error>)
XML::Stream: ParseStream: incoming(<stream:error>Invalid
handshake</stream:error>) current()
XML::Stream: ParseStream: goodXML() badXML()
XML::Stream: ParseStream: parse(<stream:error>Invalid
handshake</stream:error>) save()
XML::Stream: _handle_element: expat(XML::Parser::ExpatNB=HASH(0x1408054b8))
tag(stream:error) att( )
XML::Stream: _handle_cdata: expat(XML::Parser::ExpatNB=HASH(0x1408054b8))
cdata(Invalid handshake)
XML::Stream: _handle_cdata: pos(1)
XML::Stream: _handle_cdata: new cdata
XML::Stream: _handle_close: expat(XML::Parser::ExpatNB=HASH(0x1408054b8))
XML::Stream: _handle_close: check( 0 )
XML::Stream: ParseStream: ERROR(Invalid handshake)
NJ::Component: Process: status()
NJ::Component: Process: return()
Users-Agent: ERROR:  Jabber server is not answering.
Users-Agent: ( )

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