[jdev] jamppa - an XMPP client/component library for Java

Abmar Barros abmargb at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 19:04:56 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,

I'd like introduce you to jamppa (http://jamppa.org/).

Jamppa is a:
* dom-based, XEP-as-plugin, client that started as a smack fork
* framework for components, based on handlers indexed by namespaces, that
started as a whack fork.

Development is on its very beginning, I just refactored XEP0077 as a
separate (and as the first) plugin.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

Abmar Barros
MSc in Computer Science from the Federal University of Campina Grande -
OurGrid Team Leader - www.ourgrid.org
Buddycloud Dev - www.buddycloud.org
Paraíba - Brazil
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