[jdev] Syncing a user's status across many clients

Spencer MacDonald spencer.macdonald.other at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 20:51:03 UTC 2014

Google have their own custom implementation https://developers.google.com/talk/jep_extensions/shared_status but there isn't an "official" way.



On Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 20:17, Thompson, David wrote:

> Hello all,
> This may be a bit unconventional for XMPP, but is there a reasonable
> way to synchronize a user's status across all clients? When one
> client changes their status from 'chat' to 'dnd', the other client's
> should change to 'dnd', too. Additionally, when the user logs in from
> yet another location, it should also pick the 'dnd' status.
> I wrote a quick hack to sync the status for clients that are already
> connected, but I'm struggling to choose the right status when a new
> client connects. I thought that I could just send a presence probe
> but the request was not authorized because users are not in their own
> roster. Would simply adding the user to their own roster and using
> the presence probe be an acceptable solution?
> Are there any other options available? Am I completely crazy? :P
> Thanks,
> - David Thompson
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