[jdev] A rapidxml fork for XMPP

Alexander Holler holler at ahsoftware.de
Thu Dec 5 05:01:43 UTC 2013

Am 05.12.2013 03:59, schrieb Yusuke DOI:
> Hi,
> I don't oppose your idea but let me do some 'defence' for XML-ish data
> from industrial point of view...
> (2013-12-05 08:25), Alexander Holler wrote:
>> But my whole point is, that they are bloat in both, code and resource
>> size (I know about in-situ parsers, but even those have to parse).
>> And I don't see any reason why the stuff which goes over the wire
>> should be in a "somewhat" human readable format. And with SSL, that
>> human readable thing is already gone (on the wire).
> Thanks to the 'bloat' we can import external entities such as IEC or
> IEEE standards. They looks like dinosaurs for net-ish peoples, but they
> are still alive and growing. And some of such industrial people are
> trying to use XMPP (OpenADR, IEEE 21451-4, etc.) as data transport and
> session management framework.

Sorry, but I don't understand what the format used for transporting
stanzas has to do with the content. Just because XML wouldn't be used
for the stanza and stream attributes(metadatas doesn't mean that the
content of those stanzas can't be XML.

Anyway, I was told to become silent, so I prefer to quit this discussion.


Alexander Holler

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