[jdev] A rapidxml fork for XMPP

Yusuke DOI yusuke.doi at toshiba.co.jp
Thu Dec 5 02:59:11 UTC 2013


I don't oppose your idea but let me do some 'defence' for XML-ish data from industrial point of view...

(2013-12-05 08:25), Alexander Holler wrote:
> But my whole point is, that they are bloat in both, code and resource
> size (I know about in-situ parsers, but even those have to parse).
> And I don't see any reason why the stuff which goes over the wire
> should be in a "somewhat" human readable format. And with SSL, that
> human readable thing is already gone (on the wire).

Thanks to the 'bloat' we can import external entities such as IEC or IEEE standards. They looks like dinosaurs for net-ish peoples, but they are still alive and growing. And some of such industrial people are trying to use XMPP (OpenADR, IEEE 21451-4, etc.) as data transport and session management framework.

For M2M side, I feel there are two schools: JSON-CoAP-IETF-ish M2M and IEEE/IEC/ISO-ish M2M. The both say 'we are the M2M framework' but the field is totally different. Former will born and die rapidly, with high evolution rate. Looks cool. But for (at least some part of) industrial people, doing business over such framework is not acceptable. XMPP, combined with well-defined XML, will be reliable enough (will not die too soon), and has strong schema system to start writing specs without a reference implementation (don't blame me on it, that's the different world :p ).

We cannot build long-running infrastructures such as electrical grid, mass transport system, or international logistics system without such 'bloats'. I like XMPP because of it.



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