[jdev] XMPP Summit in October

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at stpeter.im
Fri Jun 15 17:05:20 UTC 2012

As posted at http://xmpp.org/2012/06/xmpp-summit/ ...

We’ve decided to hold the next XMPP Summit in Portland, Oregon at the
end of October. Mark your calendars for October 25th, which is the day
after the Keeping it Realtime conference [1]. Co-locating the XMPP
Summit with krtconf makes a lot of sense, since both events are focused
on building real-time applications.

Many details are yet to be worked out (e.g., we might hold a two-day
Summit instead of a one-day Summit), but we will post again in a few
weeks once we know more.

Please note that krtconf is a small, high-caliber conference and will
sell out quickly, so make sure to get on their email list and register
early before all their tickets are sold out (and think about giving a
talk [2] at krtconf, too!).


[1] http://2012.krtconf.com/

[2] http://blog.krtconf.com/post/24012727201/krtconf-2012-call-for-speakers

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