[jdev] KRTConf

Julien Genestoux julien.genestoux at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 07:48:39 UTC 2011

Hello all,

I hope nobody will be upset at me, but I'd like to make sure everyone knows
about this event.
Next month (Nov 7+8), the first "Keeping it Realtime" conference will be
held in Portland OR : http://krtconf.com/

It's not strictly and XMPP conference, but there will be several XMPP talks
from XMPP heroes : Jack Moffitt, Nathan Fritz, Pradeep Elankumaran, Astro...
There will also be several hack sessions around XMPP projects, including
node-xmpp and xmpp-server, as well as a bnuch of other tools.

The tickets have a $300 discount for a couple more days thanks to Twilio's
sponsorship, so get your quick!

We will also have one of our "San Francisco XMPP Meetup" there :
http://www.meetup.com/technology-11/ : come with your questions and


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